from left to right: Aurora over Alaska, coronal loops seen by TRACE, UV aurora seen by Polar, heliosphere in Orion 
   seen by Hubble Space Telescope, magnetosphere schematic, aurora over EISCAT radar, The Sower by Van Gogh, terrestrial clouds, Coronal Mass Ejection seen 
   by SoHO, simulation of a cosmic ray shower, lightning over Geneva

Mike Lockwood - CV
Professor of Space Environment Physics
President-Elect, Royal Astronomical Society (2023)

chain link ► denotes a link to an internal webpage
★ denotes a link to an external webpage
NAM  Badge 2023
Prof. Mike Lockwood
aurora corona-----
shortcut Shortcut to publications & on–line reprints
aurora corona-----
fields Analysis of areas I have published in (as classifired by WoS, August 2023)
Magic Words
aurora corona-----
Harrington H4 Memoir Advice to young scientists: 'In praise of mistakes' (2022)
Lighthouse beam
aurora corona-----
interview Q & A profileinterview published in A & G (2015)
aurora corona-----
play 2020 seminar Semi-annual and Universal Time Variations in the Magnetosphere
Library Pictures
aurora corona-----
Address 1:
🌈►Department of Meteorology
Space and Atmospheric Electricity group (SPATE)
UoR Crest University of Reading
Earley Gate
P.O. Box 243
SPATE logo
phoneTelephone:+44 (0)118 378 5572
faxFax:+44 (0)118 378 8905
phoneP.A.:+44 (0)118 378 8968
@E-mail: m.lockwood "at"
aurora corona-----
letter Work
Address 2:
RAL Space
STFC Crest STFC/Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
OX11 0QX
Svalbard Radar
aurora corona-----
letter Also Visiting Honorary Professor at
Saturn aurora AuroraSpace & Atmospheric Physics
ICL Crest Imperial College, London
aurora corona-----
baby D-o-B:1954
clock Changes in my lifetime
Old booksRefereed publications 4 3 5 (includes 1 in press & 1 under review)
rulerh-index from ★Web-of-science : 6 6
(from 29343 cites, July 2024)
('all databases' search using ORCID number 0000-0002-7397-2172 with IPCC report)
(from 16733 cites, July 2024)
('all databases' search using ORCID number 0000-0002-7397-2172 without IPCC report)
stag hornsh-index from ★Google Scholar : 7 5
(from 36681 cites, July 2024)
ResearcherID ResearcherID G-1030-2011

graph Publication History Graph
mortaboard Education Details
family tree Family tree by academic supervisor (silly but fun)
mug Post-Doc Experience
tieService on Committees
aurora corona-----
RS logo 2019-2022 Editor-in-Chief ★Proceedings of the Royal Society A
Q and A interview as new editor (2019)
Editorial (2019)
aurora corona-----
quilled pen inkpot
Learned Societies:
RS logo Fellow of the Royal Society of London (FRS)
RAS logo Elected President, Royal Astronomical Society (2023)
IOP logo Fellow, Institute of Physics (FInstP)
IOP logo Chartered Physicist (CPhys)
AGU logo Member, American Geophysical Union
EGU logo Member, European Geoscience Union
RAS logo Fellow, Royal Astronomical Society (FRAS)
RAS door
aurora corona-----
medal International Awards: 1990 COSPAR logo ICSU-logo The ★Zel'dovich Award for Commission C (Ionospheric Physics). Awarded by ★COSPAR (The Committee on Space Research, of the International Council for Science ★ICSU ).

1990 URSI logoThe ★Issac Koga Gold Medal. Awarded by ★URSI (The International Union of Radio Science).

1998 RAS logo The ★Chapman Medal. Awarded by the ★Royal Astronomical Society, London

2003 IOP logo The Charles Chree (now renamed the Appleton) Award and Prize. Awarded by the Institute of Physics, London.

2006 RS logo Elected as a Fellow of the ★Royal Society of London

2012 EGU logo The ★Julius Bartels Medal. Awarded by the ★European Geosciences Union

2015 RAS logo The ★Gold Medal of the ★Royal Astronomical Society
Moore and Pele
The greatest award: the respect of your peers and your colleagues
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Rosetta Stone
talk Presentations
crowd Recent presentation files
books PhD thesis, Saas-Fe Book and Review Papers
6 Wikipedia page

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Mike Lockwood
aurora corona----- junkThe Conversation Piece on space tourism, space junk and climate - 'Space for all?'
aurora corona-----
GIStemp1900.GIStemp2017The Carbon Brief on Solar Activity and the so-called Little Ice Age
January.July See also ► Frost fairs, sunspots and the Little Ice Age
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😄►PhD Comics' parody of academic on-line CVs like this one
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ML by MAPortrait in Max Alexander's 'Explorers of the Universe' at the Albert Hall (IAU, 2009)
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Honen-In, Kyoto

❝ ►Each day in life is training, training for myself

(Soen Ozeki)
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sailboatAndy Breen Obituary
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🚫 ★Private
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⚽ ►Merry Pranksters A.F.C.
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red strat♪♫♬ ★
Scott, Lockwood & Barnard - Rain (music & lyrics by the Cult)
red strat♪♫♬ ★Scott, Lockwood & Barnard - Be more kind (music & lyrics by Frank Turner)
red strat♪♫♬ ★Listen to original DTC songs (free or buy if you like)
red strat♪♫♬ ★or Listen to DTC in Party Mode
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