I currently teach the following modules:

Software Engineering (CS1SE16)

Giving a broad coverage of Software Engineering, concentrating on a goal oriented approach which identifies the need for cost effective, robust methods for delivering reliable software. The module starts by looking at the professional requirements of a software engineer, including a commitment to life-long learning as part of their CPD, and encourages you to develop a ‘concept map’ of how all the various elements fit together, and how they are used throughout the rest of your degree programme as well as on in to your career.

Software Quality and Testing (CS2SQ17 and CS3SQ16)

How do you “prove” your software works? What frameworks are necessary within a company to make sure it is producing software in a reliable way? This module covers a range of testing, highlighting the efficiencies of static testing as well as the necessity for dynamic tests. Different approaches to testing are discussed, and both theoretical and practical aspects are given close consideration.

SLEAC (CS3SC17 and CS3SL16)

Social, Legal and Ethical Aspects of Software Engineering covers a lot of material. As a student on the module, you will be required to research various Legal issues, in order to complete an online test. Part of this test also requires you to be able to cite your references, and explain why you have reached the conclusions you express. An important aspect of this involves a level of digital literacy - understanding that not all sources are equal; throughout the course you are encouraged to consider that many sources of information have vested interests, and those interests may bias the information they provide. You will also be required to write an essay about the SLEASE aspects of a technology which has recently been in the media, and undertake a group work in which you will write a group report, and create a short video presentation, explaining the SLEASE aspects - in relation to real life - of a film. SLEASE is a subject which requires discussions, and the seminars and lectures, along with the group work, are designed to facilitate this.

I am also responsible for the Year In Industry.