
About me








Project grants
- Co-PI (Mathematical lead) : "The Virtual Platelet - a computational model for the complex regulation of platelet function" with J. Gibbins (PI, Biological Sciences, Reading) and M. Fry (Biological Sciences, Reading). British Heart Foundation (£299,950), September 2016 - August 2019.
- Co-Investigator (Co-I): "Understanding the food supply chain" with C. Wagstaff (PI, Food & Nutritional Sciences, Reading). Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Sparking Impact Award (£7,558), January - April 2014.
- Co-PI (Mathematical lead) : "The Virtual Platelet - a computational model for the complex regulation of platelet function" with J. Gibbins (PI, Biological Sciences, Reading) and M. Fry (Biological Sciences, Reading). British Heart Foundation (£95,000), June 2014 - May 2015.
- Co-I (Mathematical lead) : "The virtual platelet - the development of a predictive mathematical model for the complex regulation of platelet function" with P.G. Gibbins (PI, Biological Sciences,
Reading), P. Grindrod (Mathematics, Reading), F. Baksh (Statistics, Reading), J. Lovegrove (Food Biosciences, Reading), C. Jones (ICMR, Reading), R. Stanley (ICMR, Reading), S. Vaiyapuri
(ICMR, Reading), A. Goodall (Cardiovascular Sciences, Leicester) and W. Ouwehand (Hematology & Sanger Institute, Cambridge), BHF - £300,000, 2010-2013.
- PI: "Reading Systems Biology Network", Reading Enterprise Training Fund - £18,000, 2009-2012.
- Co-I: "Robustness and sensitivity of intracellular signals in bacteria" with P.K. Maini (PI, Mathematical Institute, Oxford) and J.P. Armitage (Biochemistry, Oxford), BBSRC -
£343,500, 2005-2008.
Network & workshop grants
- PI: Engineering Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Medical Research Council (MRC) UK "A UK Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Network" with L. Aarons (Manchester), M. Chappell (Warwick), L. Cucurull-Sanchez (GlaxoSmithKline), G. Derks (Surrey), P. Dua (Pfizer), B. Whalley (Reading), J. Yates (AstraZeneca) - £159,456, 2015-2018.
- PI: EPSRC "Workshops: Mathematics in Medicine Study Groups (2009-2012)" £146,000.
Industry funded meetings
- PI: A UK Meeting and Problem Workshop on Quantitative Systems Pharmacology, 14th to 17th September 2015, Alderley Park AstraZeneca Conference Centre (£20,000)
- Co-PI: Mathematical Oncology in Industry and Academia, 16th & 17th June 2015, Roche Welwyn Garden Conference Facility.
Outreach grants
- Co-I: RCUK "Magnificient Maths!" National Science Engineering Week (£1.5k), 2010.
PhD studentships
- Co-I: EPSRC DTP studentship in collaboration with Dr Francesco Tamagnini (Pharmacy, Reading) - £65,000 (2019-2022).
- Co-I: EU Marie Curie Training Network Project - TAPAS (2019-2022).
- Co-I: EPSRC DTP studentship in collaboration with Dr Patrick Lewis (Pharmacy, Reading) - £65,000 (2018-2021).
- PI: BBSRC industrial CASE studentship with Syngenta, £93,000 (2015-2019).
- Co-I: University of Reading Life Science studentship, £92,000 (2015-2019).
- Co-I: Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Food Security Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) studentship, £90,000 (2014-2018).
- Co-I: EPSRC Technology for Sustainable Built Environment EngD (2013-2017).
- PI: EPSRC DTG & University of Nottingham Malaysia/Crops for the Future Research Centre, £92,000 (2013-2017).
- Co-I: BBSRC Food Security DTP studentship, £90,000 (2013-2017).
- Co-I: BBSRC Food Security DTP studentship, £90,000 (2012-2016).
- PI: EPSRC industrial CASE studentship with Syngenta, £93,000 (2011-2015).
- PI: EPSRC Doctoral Training Grant studentship, £90,000 (2011-2015).
- PI: EPSRC industrial CASE studentship with Pfizer, £93,000 (2011-2015).
Summer studentships & bursaries
- PI: UROP."Mathematical Modelling of Immediate Early Gene Transcription Factor Networks: Negative Regulation of Egr1 by Atf3" with A. Clerk (Biological Sciences, Reading). (1.2k), 2011.
- PI: Nuffield Foundation Summer Studentship. "Mathematical Modelling of Immediate Early Gene Transcription Factor Networks: Negative Regulation of Egr1 by Atf3" with A. Clerk (Biological Sciences, Reading). (1.44k), 2011.
- Co-I: Biochemical Society Summer Studentship. "Mathematical modelling of ERK2 phosphorylation and nuclear import in cardiomyocytes" with A. Clerk (Biological Sciences, Reading). (1.2k), 2011.
- PI: Institute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research Summer Studentship. "Mathematical modelling of ERK2 phophosphorylation and nuclear import in cardiomyocytes" with A. Clerk (Biological Sciences, Reading). (1.6k), 2011.
- PI: Reading Mathematics Department Vacation studentship "Mathematical Modelling of a Platelet Signalling Pathway" (2.2k), 2010.
- PI: EPSRC Vacation studentship "Mathematical Modelling of a Platelet Signalling Pathway" (2.2k), 2010.
- PI: Nuffield Foundation Summer Studentship (1.44k), 2009.
- PI: University of Reading Opportunities Programme summer studentship (1.32k), 2009.
- Co-I: EPSRC Summer studentship (2007) "Spatiotemporal models of intracellular signalling in chemotactic bacteria" with P.K. Maini and J.P. Armitage
- Co-I BBSRC Summer studentship (2007) "Modelling the cell cycle in yeast" with P.K. Maini and B. Novak (Oxford).
- Co-I: Nuffield Foundation Bursary (2006) "Modelling the rowing stroke" with S. D. Howison (Oxford).
- Co-I: Nuffield Foundation Bursary (2006) "Modelling spatial protein localisation within E. coli with P.K. Maini and J.P. Armitage (Oxford).
- Co-I: Nuffield Foundation Bursary (2004)
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