This site and all content therein is the sole creation of Adrian Ogden, and as such is © Adrian Ogden, except where noted otherwise. Any resemblance to any other site is entirely coincidental.
Photography largely accomplished with the Canon Digital Ixus 300.
The photos and images on this site are the creation of the author. Packages used in their creation have at various times included Microsoft Paint, Adobe Photoshop, XV, and The Gimp.
Images and icons linking to other sites are the property of those sites, except the CMOT Briggs icon.
The chalk background image used on many of my pages was taken from an online archive of free background images, for which I have since lost the attribution.
The snowflake image used for the index page during Christmas 2003 came from the tiles section of
This site was created in raw HTML. References which proved useful in this endeavor include:
Dave Raggett's style guide
HTML With Style
Visibone online reference tools
And of course many useful hints and pointers - including the above links - from the helpful denizens of, especially Aquarion.