Preprint manuscript of:

  • Quantitative analysis of accuracy of an inertial/acoustic 6DOF tracking system
    Gilson, S. J., Fitzgibbon, A. W. and Glennerster, A. (Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 154, 175-182 (2006)
    An increasing number of neuroscience experiments are using virtual reality to provide a more immersive and less artificial experimental environment. This is particularly useful to navigation and three-dimensional scene perception experiments. Such experiments require accurate, real-time, tracking of the observer's head in order to render the virtual scene. Here we present data on the accuracy of a commonly used 6 degree of freedom tracker (Intersense IS900) when it is moved in ways typical of virtual reality applications. We compared the reported location of the tracker with its location computed by an optical tracking method. When the tracker was stationary, the root mean square error in spatial accuracy was 0.64mm. However, we found that errors increased over ten-fold when the tracker moved at speeds common in virtual reality applications (up to 17mm). We demonstrate that the errors we report here are predominantly due to inaccuracies of the IS900 system rather than the optical tracking against which it was compared.

    Science Direct (subscription required). I can email a pdf of the article on request.

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