Curriculum Vitae – Paul Glaister
A. Qualifications and Experience
Conference and Workshop Contributions
Section A – Qualifications and Experience
Present Appointment: Professor of Mathematics and Mathematics Education, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Reading
Nature of Appointment: Full-time, indefinite (appointed October 2013).
Education and qualifications obtained:
· PhD in Mathematics, University of Reading, 1988.
· Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), DfES (ref. no. 80/60468), 1984.
· MSc in the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations, University of Reading, 1982.
· Postgraduate Certificate in Education, University of Reading, 1981.
· BSc Mathematics, University of Reading, 1980.
Previous appointments:
· Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Reading, October 1999-September 2013.
· Lecturer in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Reading, October 1988-September 1999.
· Research Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of Reading, (sponsored by AWRE Aldermaston), October 1984-September 1988.
· Research Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of Reading, (sponsored by British Gas), September 1984.
· Teacher of Mathematics, Maidstone Grammar School for Boys, Maidstone, September 1983-August 1984.
· Research Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of Reading, (sponsored by RAE Bedford), October 1982-July 1983.
Section B – Research and Scholarship (see also: online list of publications)
(a) Research outputs.
I work in three main areas:
(i) numerical analysis and computational fluid dynamics, including the development and analysis of numerical schemes for the solution of problems arising in applied mathematics;
(ii) mathematics and science education, at both school and university, and the school-university interface;
(iii) teaching and learning, primarily in higher education.
Much of the output of this work is contained in the list of publications below, most of which are internationally recognised, reach an international audience, and are refereed on an international scale. The impact of this work is, in part, indicated by the numbers of citations:
· work in the first (i) (91 publications) attracts citations on the Web of Science where these articles have a citation count of 615 and an h-index of 9;
· MathSciNet (81 publications)
· on Google Scholar I have 1436 citations, and an h-index of 14;
· on ResearchGate I have 1028 citations, 3772 reads, and an h-index of 12;
· on Mendeley I have 732 citations across 170 publications with 358 readers, 18,396 views (downloads of publications in ScienceDirect), and an h-index of 10.
The impact of work in areas (ii) and (iii) is mainly through a national and international audience of mathematics and science education practitioners in schools, colleges and universities, using my work for enhancement and enrichment. I have had hundreds of requests for reprints of articles and for material made available through articles. I have also refereed similar numbers of articles by authors who have cited my work, or who are extending or applying it.
The numbers of publications in each area is as follows:
(i) computational fluid dynamics & numerical analysis: 85 publications;
(ii) mathematics and science education: 332 publications;
(iii) teaching and learning: 30 publications.
For the Mathematical Association’s 150th Anniversary Celebration in 2021 'A Magnificent Twelve’ articles were chosen (including from 4 past presidents) for the Anniversary Collection from across 127 years Mathematical Gazette, referred to as the ‘jewel in the crown of the 150 year old Mathematical Association’. I feel very honoured and proud to be chosen as one of those ‘Magnificent Twelve’ for my article ‘Alice’s adventures in inverse tan land – mathematical argument, language and proof’.
a. Journal publications (415):
1. P. Glaister and R. Azouzi Launch of a new Standard for Data Science Professionals, Mathematics Today, (in press).
2. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Asynchronous lecture content recording for mathematics using Open Broadcaster Software (OBS), InForm, 20, pp. 55-58, 2021.
3. P. Glaister. Glaciers, global warming and Fermi estimation, Mathematics in School, 50, p. 32, 2021.
4. P. Glaister What Mathematical Skills Will be Needed in the Future? Mathematics Today, 56, pp. 224-225, 2020.
5. P. Glaister. Entry onto an A-level Mathematics Course in England, Mathematics in School, 49, pp. 8-9, 2020.
6. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Swimming pools, harmonic means and inverse proportion, Mathematics in School, 49, 4, pp. 26-29, 2020.
7. P. Glaister. The Royal Society’s Mathematical Futures Programme, LMS Newsletter, 491, pp. 6-7, 2020.
8. P. Glaister. Fermi estimation, Brexit and Core Maths. Mathematics in School, 49, 3, p. 7, 2020.
9. P. Glaister and C. Baldwin. Life beyond GCSE Mathematics – why more maths and what’s on offer? Career Matters, 8, pp. 26-27, 2020.
10. P. Glaister. Potholes-Core Maths to the rescue. Mathematics in School, 49, 1, p. 11, 2020.
11. P. Glaister and C. Baldwin. What’s next? A deeper understanding of life beyond GCSE can help teachers encourage more students to continue their mathematical journey. Teach Secondary, 8, pp. 66-67, 2019.
12. P. Glaister. Christopher Zeeman 2018 Medal Winner Dr Hannah Fry, LMS Newsletter, 483, pp. 19-20, 2019.
13. P. Glaister. Alice's adventures in inverse tan land - mathematical argument language and proof, Mathematical Gazette, 103, pp. 388-400, 2019. (See also:
14. P. Glaister. Motivational hooks in post 16 mathematics lessons, Mathematics in School, 48, pp. 11-14, 2019.
15. P. Glaister and E.M. Glaister. Hannah Fry on riots, Bach cantatas and pink sheep, Mathematics Today, 55, pp. 84-85, 2019.
16. P. Glaister. The importance of language analysis to mathematical, quantitative and computational sciences, Languages, Society & Policy, 2019.
17. P. Glaister. What is the next number in the sequence 15, 80, 395, 1904, and is 3 unique? Mathematics Today, 55, pp. 60-62, 2019.
18. P. Glaister. An infinite series involving inverse tan. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 50, pp. 157-159, 2019.
19. P. Glaister and C. Baldwin. Exploring the new A levels in Mathematics – one year on, Mathematics Today, 54, pp. 236-237, 2018.
20. P. Glaister and C. Baldwin. Core Maths – a call to action, Mathematics Today, 54, pp. 194-196, 2018.
21. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Mathematics lights up Christmas. Mathematics in School, 47, pp. 2-5, 2018.
22. P. Glaister. Post 16 Smith Review. Mathematics Today, 53, pp. 201-204, 2017.
23. P. Glaister and L. Rycroft-Smith. Pathways, Transitions and Networks. Mathematics Today, 53, pp. 213-215, 2017.
24. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Mathematical argument, language and proof - AS/A level. Mathematics in School, 47, pp. 16-19, 2017.
25. P. Glaister. AS and A levels in Mathematics and Further Mathematics are changing - are you ready?. MSOR Connections, 15, pp. 14-27, 2017.
26. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Promoting problem solving through parabolas. Mathematics in School, 45, pp. 17-24, 2016.
27. P. Glaister. Teaching standards. Times Higher Education, May, 2016.
28. P. Glaister and D. M. Hughes. Core Maths for Work, Study and Life. Career Matters, 4, pp. 34-35, 2016.
29. P. Glaister. University teaching – recognition and reward. MSOR Connections, 14, pp. 20-27, 2016.
30. P. Glaister. It's not only maths students who need a solid grasp of statistics. Times Higher Education, 2016.
31. P. Glaister. A proof of van Aubel’s theorem using orthogonal vectors. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 47, pp. 440-443, 2016.
32. P. Glaister. Promoting Core Maths - background, evidence, plans, opportunities, and challenges. Journal of Core Maths, pp. 1-13, 2015.
33. P. Glaister. A van Aubel theorem revisited. Mathematical Spectrum, 48, pp. 33-36, 2015.
34. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Howzat, for a new take on run outs in cricket. Mathematics in School, 44, pp. 37-41, 2015.
35. P. Glaister. An angle on run outs in cricket. Scottish Mathematical Council Journal, 44, pp. 75-79, 2015.
36. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Trisecting a tri-angle. Mathematics in School, 44, pp. 5-7, 2015.
37. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. A new theorem of Pythagoras? Mathematics in School, 43, pp. 2-3, 2014.
38. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Alternating sums of binomial coefficients with unit fraction arithmetic sequence coefficients. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 45, pp. 452-464, 2014.
39. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. The revenge of the hare over the tortoise. Mathematics in School, 43, pp. 10-12, 2014.
40. P. Glaister. Using Geogebra to investigate new properties of a parabola. Mathematics and Computer Education, 47, pp. 196-203, 2013.
41. Ayres, K. L., Wilcox, A. and P. Glaister. Diversity in mathematics assessment equals diversity in opinion? MSOR Connections, 13, pp. 15-23, 2013.
42. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Standards of university teaching. MSOR Connections, 13, pp. 61-65, 2013.
43. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. The alternative Bernoulli trials. Mathematics in School, 42, pp. 31-34, 2013.
44. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Christmas with the Bernoullis. Mathematics in School, 42, pp. 2-9, 2013.
45. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Napier's candles. Mathematical Spectrum, 46, pp. 2-7, 2013.
46. P. Glaister. Lager bubbles defy gravity - a perfect way to demonstrate acceleration? Physics Education, 48, pp. 689-692, 2013.
47. P. Glaister. Tangents and coincident normal to a parabola. Mathematical Gazette, 97, pp. 301-303, 2013.
48. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Mismatchmaking. Mathematics in School, 42, pp. 13-15, 2013.
49. P. Glaister. Mathematicians prefer cake to pi. Mathematical Spectrum, 45, pp. 103-105, 2013.
50. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Pascal and Fermat dice with probability. Mathematics in School, 41, pp. 28-29, 2012.
51. P. Glaister. Further examples on sliding down curves. Mathematical Gazette, 96, pp. 519-523, 2012.
52. P. Glaister. Intersection of tangents to ellipses and hyperbolae. Scottish Mathematical Council Journal, 42, pp. 86-88, 2012.
53. P. Glaister, E. M. Glaister and K. L. Ayres. Engagement ‘with’ or ‘by’ students: two sides of the same coin. MSOR Connections, 12, pp. 22-27, 2012.
54. K. L. Ayres and P. Glaister. Setting the right hurdle: progression to the final year of an MMath programme. MSOR Connections, 12, pp. 31-33, 2012.
55. K. L. Ayres, P. Glaister and C. J. Smith. The benefits of an undergraduate teaching and learning placement scheme in mathematics and statistics. MSOR Connections, 12, pp. 2-5, 2012.
56. P. Glaister. A comparison of upwind difference schemes for compressible flows of ideal and non-ideal gases in a duct. Mathematica Aeterna, 1 (7), pp. 425-448, 2011.
57. P. Glaister. A power slide. Mathematical Spectrum, 42 (2), pp. 87-90, 2010.
58. P. Glaister. Conservative upwind difference schemes for the Euler equations for real gas flows in a duct. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 57 (9), pp. 1432-1437, 2009.
59. P. Glaister. and E. M. Glaister. HMS - Harmonic Motion by Shadows. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 28 (1), pp. 10-15, 2009.
60. P. Glaister. Diagonalization and Jordan Normal Form – motivation through Maple. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 40 (5), pp. 705-712, 2009.
61. P. Glaister. I'm a transcendental...get me out of here. Mathematics in School, 38, pp. 13-15, 2009.
62. P. Glaister. and M. A. Glaister. Pythagorean triplets on their paper round. Mathematics in School, 38, pp. 10-11, 2009.
63. P. Glaister. Conservative Upwind Difference Schemes for Compressible Flows in a Duct. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 56 (7), pp. 1787-1796, 2008.
64. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. 'A' level mathematics and the 3R's - recruitment, retention and reward. MSOR Connections, 8 (2), pp. 13-16, 2008.
65. P. Glaister and N. Lord. A Generalised Algebraic Identity Bites Pythagoras. Mathematical Gazette, 92, pp. 82-83, 2008.
66. P. Glaister. Investigating a Sequence of Power Functions. Mathematics and Computer Education, 42, pp. 34-43, 2008.
67. P. Glaister. On integer solutions of an arctan problem. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 39 (6), pp. 829-833, 2008.
68. P. Glaister. One day cricket triangular tournaments - do matches count? Mathematical Spectrum, 40, pp. 109-115, 2008.
69. P. Glaister. Solution of systems of differential equations with skew-symmetric, orthogonal matrices. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 39, pp. 410-418, 2008.
70. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Two Problems Thrown Up by Projectiles. Scottish Mathematical Council Journal, 37, pp. 68-70, 2008.
71. P. Glaister. An Analysis and Comparison of Conservative Upwind Difference Schemes for Ideal and Non-Ideal Gases. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 53 (12), pp. 1921-1932, 2007.
72. P. Glaister. Bring Back Logs! Mathematics in School, 36, p. 35, 2007.
73. P. Glaister and A. E. Glaister. Conkering Convexity and Concavity. Mathematics Today, 43, p. 217, 2007.
74. P. Glaister and M. A. Glaister. Difference of Two Circles. Mathematics in School, 36, p. 17, 2007.
75. P. Glaister. Exponential Curve Fitting with Least Squares. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 38 (3), pp. 422-427, 2007.
76. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Forgetting to integrate. Mathematical Spectrum, 39, p. 126, 2007.
77. P. Glaister and A. E. Glaister. Golden Balls. Mathematics in School, 36, p. 18, 2007.
78. P. Glaister. How Important is a Cricket Test Match? International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 38 (1), pp. 115-123, 2007.
79. P. Glaister. Intersecting Chords Theorem 30 years on. Mathematics in School, 36 (1), p. 22, 2007.
80. P. Glaister and A. E. Glaister. Maths is just child's play in disguise. Mathematics in School, 36, pp. 8-9, 2007.
81. P. Glaister. Prediction of Shallow Water Flows over Dry Beds. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 54 (2), pp. 296-309, 2007.
82. P. Glaister, E. M. Glaister, A. E. Glaister and M. A. Glaister. Spidergraph. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 26 (4), pp. 212-221, 2007.
83. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. What a Difference a Pi Can Make. Mathematics in School, 36, p. 19, 2007.
84. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. When Maths really is Rocket Science. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 26 (1), pp. 51-54, 2007.
85. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Generalising Alexander’s Angles. Mathematical Gazette, 90, pp. 99-103, 2006.
86. P. Glaister. Generating sums of series using simple differential operators. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 37, pp. 341-349, 2006.
87. P. Glaister and M. A. Glaister. Geometry on holiday. Mathematics in School, 35, p. 10, 2006.
88. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Handling Data Projectors. Mathematics in School, 35, pp. 30-31, 2006.
89. P. Glaister. How interesting is a cricket match? IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 25, pp. 149-160, 2006.
90. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Introducing Conics without Eccentricity. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 37, pp. 235-245, 2006.
91. P. Glaister. Maths – 100% proof? Mathematics in School, 35, pp. 28-30, 2006.
92. P. Glaister. Pythagoras – couched in mystery? Mathematical Spectrum, 38, pp. 64-67, 2006.
93. P. Glaister. Revealing Numerical Solutions of a Differential Equation. Mathematics and Computer Education, 40, pp. 216-220, 2006.
94. P. Glaister. Uncovering Pythagorean Triples. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 25, pp. 53-57, 2006.
95. P. Glaister. A Variation on Pythagoras’ Identity. Mathematical Gazette, 90, p. 96, 2006.
96. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Wimbledon 2010 – a fifth set cliff-hanger in the Murray vs Federer final? Teaching Statistics, 28, pp. 75-77, 2006.
97. P. Glaister. A comparison of conservative upwind difference schemes for the Euler equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 51 (6-7), pp. 879-888, 2006.
98. P. Glaister. Conservative upwind difference schemes for open channel flows - Theory and applications. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 50 (1-2), pp. 57-72, 2005.
99. P. Glaister. Equicentric Patterns. Mathematical Spectrum, 38, pp. 12-16, 2005.
100. P. Glaister and M. A. Glaister. Fraction fireworks. Mathematics in School, 34. 14 -15, 2005.
101. P. Glaister. Further generalized integrals involving xx and series involving NN. Mathematics and Computer Education, 39, pp. 25-28, 2005.
102. B. V. Wells, M. J. Baines and P. Glaister. Generation of arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) velocities, based on monitor functions, for the solution of compressible fluid equations. International Journal For Numerical Methods In Fluids, 47 (10-11), pp. 1375-1381, 2005.
103. D. A. Bailey, P. Glaister. and P. K. Sweby. A Ghost Fluid, Moving Finite Volume plus Remap Method for Compressible Euler Flow. International Journal For Numerical Methods In Fluids, 47, pp. 833-840, 2005.
104. P. Glaister. Robust linear regression using Theil's method. Journal Of Chemical Education, 82 (10), pp. 1472-1473, 2005.
105. P. Glaister. Spouting confidently. School Science Review, 87, p. 12, 2005.
106. P. Glaister. Su Doku. Mathematics in School, 35, pp. 2-3, 2005.
107. P. Glaister. When Tweedledum and Tweedledee met Mr Fibonacci. Mathematical Spectrum, 37, pp. 103-108, 2005.
108. P. Glaister. A comparison of best-fit lines for data with outliers. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 36, pp. 110-117, 2005.
109. P. Glaister. A comparison of conservative upwind difference schemes for the shallow water equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 49 (11-12), pp. 1773-1786, 2005.
110. P. Glaister. An obtuse triangle. Mathematics Today, 40, p. 75, 2005.
111. P. Glaister. The use of orthogonal distances in generating the total least squares estimate. Mathematics and Computer Education, 39, pp. 21-30, 2005.
112. P. Glaister. Conservative upwind difference schemes for compressible flows of a real gas. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 48 (3-4), pp. 469-480, 2004.
113. P. Glaister. Cylinders, cones and centres of gravity. Mathematical Gazette, 88 (511), pp. 90-91, 2004.
114. P. Glaister. Error analysis of quadrature rules. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 35 (3), pp. 424-431, 2004.
115. P. Glaister. Evaluating a class of series using Taylor's theorem. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 35 (2), pp. 286-296, 2004.
116. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. FAIM - Formative Assessment In Mathematics. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and learning, pp. 1-4, 2004.
117. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Fibonacci, Freddie and Fermat the frog. Mathematics in School, 33 (3), pp. 31-33, 2004.
118. P. Glaister. From Gauss to Pythagoras - A complex series of voyages of discovery. Mathematical Spectrum, 36 (3), pp. 62-63, 2004.
119. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Line-fitting with outliers. Teaching Statistics, 26 (3), pp. 78-80, 2004.
120. P. Glaister. Maths for the wastepaper bin. Mathematical Spectrum, 37 (1), pp. 4-9, 2004.
121. P. Glaister. Perfect Cuboids? Mathematics Today, 40, p. 179, 2004.
122. P. Glaister. Pythagoras and Golden Bisection. Mathematics in School, 33, p. 8, 2004.
123. P. Glaister. Pythagorean triples from infinite series. Mathematics and Computer Education, 38 (3), pp. 267-270, 2004.
124. P. Glaister. A Series of Intrigues or Just Some Intriguing Series? Mathematical Spectrum, 36 (2), pp. 32-33, 2004.
125. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Using best-fit lines for science data with outliers. School Science Review, 85 (313), pp. 25-28, 2004.
126. P. Glaister. A comparison of the method of least squares and the method of averages. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 35, pp. 101-111, 2004.
127. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. The staggering power of maths. Mathematics in School, 32, pp. 41-43, 2004.
128. P. Glaister. Conservative Upwind Difference Schemes for the Euler Equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 45, pp. 1673-1682, 2003.
129. P. Glaister. Conservative Upwind Differencing for Isentropic Flows. Mathematical & Computer Modelling, 37, pp. 993-1003, 2003.
130. P. Glaister. Cutting Lawn Time to Zero. Mathematics in School, 32, pp. 14-15, 2003.
131. P. Glaister. Factorial Sums. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 34, pp. 250-257, 2003.
132. P. Glaister. Integration Simplified. Mathematical Spectrum, 35, pp. 60-61, 2003.
133. P. Glaister. Logarithmic Series. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 34, pp. 105-111, 2003.
134. P. Glaister. Maths to Quench the Thirst. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 22, pp. 45-52, 2003.
135. P. Glaister. The Method of Averages versus the Method of Least Squares. School Science Review, 84, pp. 14-15, 2003.
136. P.Glaister. An Observation on the Golden Euro. Math. Gaz, 87, p. 112, 2003.
137. P.Glaister. Series Evaluations with Improper Integrals. Mathematics and Computer Education, 37, pp. 221-224, 2003.
138. P.Glaister. Teaching Maths to Chemists - an outsider comments. Education in Chemistry, 40, p. 11, 2003.
139. P.Glaister. The Ultimate Lawn Cutting Device. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 22, pp. 3-5, 2003.
140. P.Glaister. 2b or not to be - that other classic. Mathematical Spectrum, 35, pp. 3-5, 2002.
141. P.Glaister. A Generalized Class of Series Evaluated. Mathematics and Computer Education, 36, pp. 179-186, 2002.
142. P.Glaister. Linear Regression in Chemistry. Education in Chemistry, 39, p. 39, 2002.
143. P.Glaister. Maths Woodwork it out. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 20, pp. 139-144, 2002.
144. P.Glaister. Not a Slice but a Cube of. Mathematics Today, 38, p. 45, 2002.
145. P. Glaister. Squaring up to Factorials. Mathematical Spectrum, 34, pp. 53-55, 2002.
146. P. Glaister. Taylor's Theorem and Integral Expansions. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 33, pp. 910-926, 2002.
147. P. Glaister. To Infinity and Beyond - further mathematical journeys. Mathematical Spectrum, 34, pp. 26-29, 2002.
148. P. Glaister. Integrals, infinite series and closed forms. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 32 (6), pp. 765-774, 2001.
149. P. Glaister. An extension of the method of least squares. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 32 (4), pp. 595-602, 2001.
150. P. Glaister. Least squares revisited. Mathematical Gazette, 85, pp. 104-107, 2001.
151. P. Glaister. Evaluating sums of infinite series using integrals. Mathematics and Computer Education, 35 (3), pp. 201-208, 2001.
152. P. Glaister. A tale of two series – a Dickens of an integral. Mathematical Spectrum, 33, pp. 25-27, 2001.
153. P. Glaister. and E. M. Glaister. The role of applications in Mathematics Teaching and the enhancement of mathematics learning through project work. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and learning, pp. 1-18, 2000.
154. P. Glaister. Generalised elliptic integrals with an application. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 31 (4), pp. 601-612, 2000.
155. P. Glaister. The golden tan of mathematics. Mathematical Gazette, 84, p. 272, 2000.
156. P. Glaister. An algebraic fraction – derivatives and zeros. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 31 (3), pp. 453-464, 2000.
157. P. Glaister. Conservative upwind difference schemes for the shallow water equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 39 (5-6), pp. 189-199, 2000.
158. P. Glaister. SHM and projections. Mathematical Gazette, 84, pp. 116-119, 2000.
159. P. Glaister. An invariance property of regular polygons for a problem in probability. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 31 (2), pp. 271-282, 2000.
160. P. Glaister. Mathematician versus machine. Mathematical Gazette, 84, pp. 105-107, 2000.
161. P. Glaister. Shadowing a pendulum. School Science Review, 80 (293), pp. 124-125, 1999.
162. P. Glaister. The golden ratio by origami. Mathematical Spectrum, 31, pp. 52-53, 1999.
163. P. Glaister. Calculus unequalled. Mathematical Spectrum, 31 (2), pp. 38-39, 1999.
164. P. Glaister. Riemann solvers with primitive parameter vectors for two-dimensional compressible flows of a real gas. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 37 (2), pp. 75-92, 1999.
165. P. Glaister. Buffon's needle problem with a twist. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 18 (2), pp. 85-88, 1999.
166. P. Glaister. Monotonicity and inequalities. Mathematics and Computer Education, 33, pp. 46-51, 1999.
167. P. Glaister. Physics and its fans. Physics Education, 34, p. 340, 1999.
168. P. Glaister. Polygon tossing: an isoperimetric result. Mathematics and Computer Education, 33, pp. 251-256, 1999.
169. P. Glaister. Squaring the circle - statistically speaking. Teaching Statistics, 21 (3), pp. 67-69, 1999.
170. P. Glaister. Stationary and equilibrium points: critical connection. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 30 (2), pp. 294-306, 1999.
171. P. Glaister. Stationary and inflexion points: an interesting example from mechanics. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 30 (5), pp. 768-782, 1999.
172. P. Glaister. Throwing elliptical shields on floorboards. Mathematical Spectrum, 32, pp. 10-13, 1999.
173. P. Glaister. Titration curves: a simplified approach. Education in Chemistry, pp. 51-52, 1999.
174. P. Glaister. A unified titration formula. Jourmal of Chemical Education, 76 (1), p. 132, 1999.
175. P. Glaister. An analysis of averaging procedures in a Riemann solver for the two-dimensional Euler equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 35 (8), pp. 63-77, 1998.
176. P. Glaister. Coin tossing. Mathematics Teacher, p. 364, 1998.
177. P. Glaister. Green’s Identity - analogy and application. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 29 (3), pp. 444-445, 1998.
178. P. Glaister. Mathematical skyers. Mathematical Gazette, 82 (495), pp. 470-472, 1998.
179. P. Glaister. Mathematician sympathises. Education in Chemistry, p. 11, 1998.
180. P. Glaister. Titration formulae: a universal approach. University Chemistry Education, pp. 63-64, 1998.
181. P. Glaister. An analysis of a Jacobi iteration. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 29 (2), pp. 195-214, 1998.
182. P. Glaister. pH curves – the essential formulae. School Science Review, pp. 95-97, 1998.
183. P. Glaister. A saddle point connection. Mathematics Today, pp. 125-126, 1998.
184. P. Glaister. A challenging balance. Journal Of Chemical Education, 74 (11), p. 1368, 1997.
185. P. Glaister. Head turning mathematics. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 16 (2), pp. 64-68, 1997.
186. P. Glaister. The efficient prediction of shallow water flows. Part II: application. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 33 (9), pp. 115-141, 1997.
187. P. Glaister. An analysis of averaging procedures in a Riemann solver for compressible flows of a real gas. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 33 (3), pp. 105-119, 1997.
188. P. Glaister. Spirals galore. Mathematical Spectrum, 29 (2), pp. 30-32, 1997.
189. P. Glaister. Constant coefficient and Euler-Cauchy differential equations - a unified approach. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 28 (1), pp. 137-141, 1997.
190. P. Glaister. Mathematics 16-19 – a view from the boundary. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 16 (4), pp. 148-150, 1997.
191. P. Glaister. Playing cards with Buffon. Mathematical Spectrum, 30 (1), pp. 8-9, 1997.
192. P. Glaister. Recollections of an amusement arcade. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 28 (3), pp. 451-462, 1997.
193. P. Glaister. Titration curve analysis: some observations. Journal Of Chemical Education, 74 (7), p. 744, 1997.
194. P. Glaister. Transformations of improper integrals. Mathematical Gazette, pp. 93-94, 1997.
195. P. Glaister. Two Fibonacci sums: a variation. Mathematical Gazette, pp. 85-88, 1997.
196. P. Glaister. Two comments on bond angles. Journal Of Chemical Education, 74 (9), p. 1086, 1997.
197. P. Glaister. Variational calculus and non-linear mechanics: improper integrals and their evaluation. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 28 (5), pp. 763-771, 1997.
198. P. Glaister. A complex balance? School Science Review, p. 103, 1997.
199. P. Glaister. An infinity of points of inflexion. Mathematics in School, p. 15, 1997.
200. P. Glaister. Can equations be balanced in more than one way? Guidelines for determining a chemical balance. School Science Review, 77, pp. 69-70, 1996.
201. P. Glaister. Centres of gravity and volumes of revolution: a filling problem. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 27 (2), pp. 299-309, 1996.
202. P. Glaister. Determining sums recursively. Mathematical Spectrum, 28 (3), pp. 63-64, 1996.
203. P. Glaister. Differentiation under the double integral sign. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 27 (5), pp. 760-763, 1996.
204. P. Glaister. Dynamical earrings: 24-carat mathematics. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 15 (1), pp. 12-15, 1996.
205. P. Glaister. Eccentricity revisited. Mathematics in School, 25 (2), 1996.
206. P. Glaister. Fibonacci numbers: finite and infinite series. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 27 (3), pp. 429-441, 1996.
207. P. Glaister. Generalization of an investigation. Mathematics Teacher, 89 (1), p. 56, 1996.
208. P. Glaister. Golden earrings. Mathematical Gazette, 80, pp. 224-225, 1996.
209. P. Glaister. How to avoid getting the needle with Buffon. Theta, 10 (2), pp. 3-9, 1996.
210. P. Glaister. On the determination of a period of oscillation. Physics Education, 31 (1), pp. 10-11, 1996.
211. P. Glaister. Reaction rates and surface area. Education in Chemistry, 33 (1), p. 67, 1996.
212. P. Glaister. Second order differential equations: a unified approach. Mathematical Gazette, 80, pp. 392-394, 1996.
213. P. Glaister. Stable beer - mathematically speaking. Mathematics Today, 32, pp. 103-104, 1996.
214. P. Glaister. Surface area:volume ratios in chemistry. School Science Review, 77, p. 116, 1996.
215. P. Glaister. Trisection and vectors. Mathematics in School, 25, p. 48, 1996.
216. P. Glaister. An application of a Fermat-Pell Equation. Mathematics and Computer Education, 30 (2), pp. 198-204, 1996.
217. P. Glaister. The efficiency of different averaging procedures in an algorithm for the Euler equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 31 (2), pp. 67-71, 1996.
218. P. Glaister. An efficient Riemann solver for open channel flows. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 12 (1), pp. 13-20, 1996.
219. P. Glaister. The efficient prediction of shallow water flows, part I: theory. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 32 (12), pp. 129-143, 1996.
220. P. Glaister. A further example on the convergence of Taylor series. Mathematics and Computer Education, 30 (1), pp. 33-41, 1996.
221. P. Glaister. A generalized Buffon problem. Mathematics and Computer Education, 30 (3), pp. 248-254, 1996.
222. P. Glaister. An integration by parts principle for a class of integrals. Mathematics and Computer Education, 30 (3), pp. 298-299, 1996.
223. P. Glaister. The relationship between the direct and weak formulations of a linearised Riemann solver for systems of conservation laws. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 31 (7), pp. 65-73, 1996.
224. P. Glaister. A result for a vessel filling problem. Mathematical Gazette, 80, pp. 407-411, 1996.
225. P. Glaister. Fibonacci power series. Mathematical Gazette, 79, pp. 521-525, 1995.
226. P. Glaister. Bump-to-bump. Mathematical Gazette, 79, p. 93, 1995.
227. P. Glaister. Extensions to polygonal spirals. Mathematics Teacher, 88, pp. 507-508, 1995.
228. P. Glaister. Investigating a problem in vertical motion. Primus, 5 (2), pp. 147-154, 1995.
229. P. Glaister. Minimisation: triangle and tetrahedron equiangular properties. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 26 (6), pp. 907-911, 1995.
230. P. Glaister. Needle alternatives. Mathematics Teacher, 88, pp. 720-722, 1995.
231. P. Glaister. Prediction of steady, supercritical, free-surface flow. International Journal of Engineering Science, 33 (6), pp. 845-854, 1995.
232. P. Glaister. Principal values and numerical iteration. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 26 (5), pp. 772-775, 1995.
233. P. Glaister. Shock capturing for supercritical, free-surface flows in curvilinear channel geometries. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 29 (1), pp. 27-37, 1995.
234. P. Glaister. Some observations on chemical equilibria. School Science Review, 76, pp. 72-75, 1995.
235. P. Glaister. Tetrahedra and Fermat points - an existence assumption. Mathematical Gazette, 79, p. 122, 1995.
236. P. Glaister. An analysis of arithmetic averaging in a Riemann solver for the one-dimensional Euler equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 30 (7), pp. 103-112, 1995.
237. P. Glaister. A chemical balancing act. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 14 (4), pp. 178-182, 1995.
238. P. Glaister. A comparison of the computational efficiency of three averaging procedures in a numerical scheme for the shallow water equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 30 (7), pp. 31-35, 1995.
239. P. Glaister. A comparison of the different extensions of a weak formulation of an approximate Riemann solver for steady, supercritical flows and their relationship to existing schemes. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 29 (12), pp. 27-38, 1995.
240. P. Glaister. An efficient shock capturing scheme for two-dimensional, open channel, unsteady flows in a generalised coordinate system. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 29 (1), pp. 83-88, 1995.
241. P. Glaister. An extension of Toumi's method and its application to the two-dimensional, unsteady, shallow water equations. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 21 (3), pp. 93-97, 1995.
242. P. Glaister. A mathematician’s view. Chemistry in Britain, 31, p. 610, 1995.
243. P. Glaister. A numerical scheme for steady, supercritical flows with boundary fitted coordinates. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 5 (10), pp. 923-931, 1995.
244. P. Glaister. The orientation of the floating cube: the results. School Science Review, 76, pp. 87-89, 1995
245. P. Glaister. A proof of the hypothesis for the preferred orientation of a floating object. School Science Review, 76, pp. 82-83, 1995.
246. P. Glaister. A tale of differences, diagonalisation and diophantine equations. Theta, 9, pp. 3-12, 1995.
247. P. Glaister. A weak formulation of Roe's approximate Riemann solver applied to the St. Venant equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 116 (1), pp. 189-191, 1995.
248. P. Glaister. A weak formulation of Roe's scheme for two-dimensional, unsteady, compressible flows and steady, supersonic flows. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 30 (8), pp. 85-93, 1995.
249. P. Glaister. An analysis of arithmetic averaging in approximate Riemann solvers with an application to steady, supercritical flows. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 28 (8), pp. 77-85, 1994.
250. P. Glaister. An efficient numerical method for compressible flows of a real gas using arithmetic averaging. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 28 (7), pp. 97-113, 1994.
251. P. Glaister. An efficient shock capturing scheme for the pseudo-unsteady equations representing steady inviscid flow. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 28 (7), pp. 71-76, 1994.
252. P. Glaister. An efficient flux difference splitting algorithm for unsteady duct flows of a real gas. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 15 (1), pp. 27-52, 1994.
253. P. Glaister. An efficient numerical scheme for the Euler equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 27 (8), pp. 91-100, 1994
254. P. Glaister. A weak formulation of Roe's approximate Riemann Solver applied to 'Barotropic' flows. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 27 (8), pp. 87-90, 1994.
255. P. Glaister. Multiplicative Fibonacci sequences. Mathematical Gazette, 78, pp. 68-69, 1994.
256. P. Glaister. Spot the difference. Mathematical Gazette, 78, pp. 68-69, 1994.
257. P. Glaister. A result in modular arithmetic with an application. Mathematical Gazette, 78, pp. 66-67, 1994.
258. P. Glaister. An efficient shock capturing algorithm for compressible flows in a duct of variable cross-section. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Fluids, 18 (1), pp. 107-122, 1994.
259. P. Glaister. An efficient numerical scheme for the two-dimensional shallow water equations using arithmetic averaging. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 27 (1), pp. 97-117, 1994.
260. P. Glaister. Card shuffling for beginners. Mathematical Spectrum, 27 (1), pp. 5-7, 1994.
261. P. Glaister. Cylinders and cones: maximum and minimum problems. Theta, 8, pp. 17-23, 1994.
262. P. Glaister. Efficient shock capturing for isentropic flows using arithmetic averaging. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 4 (5), pp. 453-463, 1994.
263. P. Glaister. Extending to polygons. Mathematics Teacher, 87, p. 140, 1994.
264. P. Glaister. Geometric progressions: prime and perfect numbers. Mathematics in School, 23, p. 48, 1994.
265. P. Glaister. Linear and non-linear oscillators. Mathematical Spectrum, 27 (2), pp. 51-53, 1994.
266. P. Glaister. On rank, underdetermined systems and consistency. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 25 (1), pp. 95-101, 1994.
267. P. Glaister. On the efficient solution of the steady, two-dimensional shallow water equations. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 54 (1-2), pp. 97-108, 1994.
268. P. Glaister. Optimisation and projectiles. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 25, pp. 614-622, 1994.
269. P. Glaister. Polygon divisions. Mathematics in School, 23, p. 29, 1994.
270. P. Glaister. Sine waves and slinky springs. Physics Education, 29, p. 119, 1994.
271. P. Glaister. Titrations and turning the corner. School Science Review, 76, pp. 67-68, 1994.
272. P. Glaister. Two reasons for opening a bottle of wine. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 13 (4), pp. 174-178, 1994.
273. P. Glaister. A comparison of the floating hypotheses for a cylindrical cork. School Science Review, 76, pp. 84-87, 1994.
274. P. Glaister. A 'corner' function and its application. Theta, 8, pp. 31-35, 1994.
275. P. Glaister. A general card shuffling algorithm. Mathematics and Computer Education, 28, pp. 283-289, 1994.
276. P. Glaister. A titration model: an analysis and solution. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 25 (3), pp. 399-406, 1994.
277. P. Glaister. Amplitude dependence of the period for non-linear oscillators. Physics Education, 28 (6), pp. 344-345, 1993.
278. P. Glaister. Tetrahedra Fermat points and centroids. Mathematical Gazette, 77, pp. 360-361, 1993.
279. P. Glaister. An approximate Riemann Solver for the H-system in generalized coordinates. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 26 (9), pp. 67-73, 1993.
280. P. Glaister. Flux difference splitting for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws with source terms. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 26 (7), pp. 79-96, 1993.
281. P. Glaister. Calculating the tetrahedral bond angle using spherical polars and the dot product. Journal Of Chemical Education, 70 (7), pp. 546-547, 1993.
282. P. Glaister. Flux difference splitting for the Euler equations in general orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system with an application to axially symmetric flows. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 26 (1), pp. 75-89, 1993.
283. P. Glaister. A numerical scheme for two-dimensional, open channel flows with non-rectangular geometries. International Journal of Engineering Science, 31 (7), pp. 1003-1011, 1993.
284. P. Glaister. Rotational symmetry of a methane molecule and the bond angle. Journal Of Chemical Education, 70 (5), p. 351, 1993.
285. P. Glaister. Flux difference splitting for open channel flows. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Fluids, 16 (7), pp. 629-654, 1993.
286. P. Glaister. Cylindrically symmetric flows in a Lagrangian frame. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 25 (8), pp. 41-45, 1993.
287. P. Glaister. An efficient numerical method for subcritical and supercritical open channel flows. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 11 (6), pp. 497-508, 1993.
288. P. Glaister. Second order accurate upwind difference schemes for scalar conservation laws with source terms. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 25 (4), pp. 65-73, 1993.
289. P. Glaister. Chemical and linear equations. Theta, 7, pp. 10-14, 1993.
290. P. Glaister. Chemical equilibrium. Education in Chemistry, 30, pp. 106-107, 1993.
291. P. Glaister. Compressible duct flow of a real gas in a Lagrangian frame. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 9, pp. 21-26, 1993.
292. P. Glaister. Does what goes up take the same time to come down? College Mathematics Journal, 24, pp. 155-158.
293. P. Glaister. Graphing pH curves. School Science Review, 75, pp. 100-101, 1993.
294. P. Glaister. Observations on the uniform acceleration formulae. Theta, 7, p. 29, 1993.
295. P. Glaister. On the general solution of an operation table. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 24 (4), pp. 603-604, 1993.
296. P. Glaister. Oscillations of a falling spring. Physics Education, 28 (5), pp. 329-331, 1993.
297. P. Glaister. Triangles: area/perimeter. Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 29, p. 28, 1993.
298. P. Glaister. Vector equations and their (unique) solution. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 24 (3), pp. 483-485, 1993.
299. P. Glaister. An approximate quadratic formula. Mathematics Teacher, 86, p. 256, 1993.
300. P. Glaister. An efficient numerical scheme for the shallow water equations. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 48 (3-4), pp. 239-250, 1993.
301. P. Glaister. A fresh angle on methane. Education in Chemistry, 30, pp. 10-11, 1993.
302. P. Glaister. A general constrained optimisation problem with applications in geometry. Theta, 7, pp. 14-18, 1993.
303. P. Glaister. A generalization of the disk and shell result. Mathematics and Computer Education, 27, pp. 129-134, 1993.
304. P. Glaister. A pictorial route. Education in Chemistry, 30, pp. 66-75, 1993.
305. P. Glaister. A result on moments of volumes. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 24 (6), pp. 916-917, 1993.
306. P. Glaister. A sum of binomial coefficients. Mathematical Spectrum, 25 (3), p. 88, 1993.
307. P. Glaister. Real gas flows in a duct. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 24 (11), pp. 45-59, 1992.
308. P. Glaister. On the area swept out by a projectile. Mathematical Gazette, 76, pp. 384-385, 1992.
309. P. Glaister. Roots and reactions. Mathematical Gazette, 76, pp. 385-386, 1992.
310. P. Glaister. Similarity solutions for multicomponent flows. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 24 (10), pp. 77-88, 1992.
311. P. Glaister. An interesting result on centres of mass. Mathematical Gazette, 76, pp. 381-382, 1992.
312. P. Glaister. Prediction of supercritical flow in open channels. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 24 (7), pp. 69-75, 1992.
313. P. Glaister. An efficient Riemann solver for unsteady flows with non-ideal gases. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 24 (3), pp. 77-93, 1992.
314. P. Glaister. Calculating nth moments: two methods and their equivalence. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 23 (3), pp. 501-502, 1992.
315. P. Glaister. Cubics et al. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 11 (3), pp. 124-127, 1992.
316. P. Glaister. Extensions of a liquid flow problem. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 23 (1), pp. 133-140, 1992.
317. P. Glaister. Formula 1 motor racing. Mathematical Spectrum, 24 (1), p. 121, 1991.
318. P. Glaister. Logarithmic units, questioned. Education in Chemistry, 29, p. 68, 1992.
319. P. Glaister. Natural occurrences of the harmonic mean. Physics Education, 27 (2), p. 181, 1992.
320. P. Glaister. On the application of techniques in calculus to the problem of determining dynamic equilibria. Theta, 6, pp. 15-19, 1992.
321. P. Glaister. On the calculation of equilibrium concentrations. School Science Review, 74, pp. 76-78, 1992.
322. P. Glaister. On the ratio of times of flight. Theta, 6, pp. 22-23, 1992.
323. P. Glaister. Optimisation problems in geometry with a generalisation to n dimensions. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 23 (4), pp. 628-630, 1992.
324. P. Glaister. Projectiles on inclined planes. Physics Education, 27 (5), pp. 269-272, 1992.
325. P. Glaister. Rule of thumb, recalled. Education in Chemistry, 29, p. 37, 1992.
326. P. Glaister. Unusual integration formulae. Mathematical Spectrum, 25 (2), pp. 45-46, 1992.
327. P. Glaister. What does the harmonic mean? Mathematics in School, 21, p. 51, 1992.
328. P. Glaister. An alternative proof that equilibrium concentrations for a chemical reaction are always uniquely determined by the initial concentrations. Journal Of Chemical Education, 69 (1), p. 51, 1992.
329. P. Glaister. An application of Matrix Theory. Mathematics Teacher, 85, pp. 220-223, 1992.
330. P. Glaister. A comparison of the orbits of the planets. School Science Review, 74, p. 89, 1992.
331. P. Glaister. The effect of dissipation on flight times. Mathematical Spectrum, 25 (1), pp. 22-24, 1992.
332. P. Glaister. A finite difference scheme for steady, supersonic, two-dimensional, compressible flow of real gases. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 24 (4), pp. 49-59, 1992.
333. P. Glaister. A method for calculating the sum of infinite series. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 23 (5), pp. 798-800, 1992.
334. P. Glaister. A new measure for ellipses. Physics Education, 27 (2), pp. 58-59, 1992.
335. P. Glaister. An optimisation problem in mechanics. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 11 (1), pp. 31-34, 1992.
336. P. Glaister. A proof of a general result on collapsing series. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 23 (2), 1992.
337. P. Glaister. A simple balance? Education in Chemistry, 29, p. 96, 1992.
338. P. Glaister. Telescoping series. Mathematical Gazette, 75, pp. 443-445, 1991.
339. P. Glaister. A 'flat' function with some interesting properties and an application. Mathematical Gazette, 75, pp. 438-440, 1991.
340. P. Glaister. Length of flight. Mathematical Gazette, 75, pp. 318-319, 1991.
341. P. Glaister. Multiplication tables: a puzzle. Mathematical Gazette, 75, pp. 336-339, 1991.
342. P. Glaister. Shock capturing scheme for steady, supersonic, isentropic flow. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Fluids, 13 (7), pp. 884-894, 1991.
343. P. Glaister. Riemann solver for "barotropic" flow. Journal of Computational Physics, 93 (2), pp. 477-480, 1991.
344. P. Glaister. A shock capturing scheme for steady, supercritical, free-surface flow. Computational Mechanics, 8 (2), pp. 135-144, 1991.
345. P. Glaister. A finite difference scheme for inviscid flows with non-eequilibrium chemistry and internal energy. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 16 (2), pp. 21-27, 1991.
346. P. Glaister. Complex integrals. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 22 (3), pp. 476-477, 1991.
347. P. Glaister. Euler's equation: a preliminary study. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 22 (1), pp. 164-165, 1991.
348. P. Glaister. Further results for a general dissipative medium. Theta, 5, pp. 9-10, 1991.
349. P. Glaister. Hyperbolic functions: matrices, groups and homomorphisms. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 22 (5), pp. 847-851, 1991.
350. P. Glaister. Investigations of a number square. Mathematics Teaching, 136, p. 37, 1991.
351. P. Glaister. On equilibrium concentrations for a chemical reaction. School Science Review, 73, pp. 103-105, 1991.
352. P. Glaister. On the 'exponentially small' gauge function: an example from reaction kinetics. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 22 (5), pp. 859-861, 1991.
353. P. Glaister. On the phases of the moon. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 10 (2), pp. 58-60, 1991.
354. P. Glaister. On the relationship between iterative methods for two-point boundary value problems and artificial time stepping techniques. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 22, pp. 563-568, 1991.
355. P. Glaister. A Riemann solver for compressible flow of a real gas in a Lagrangian frame. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 22 (8), pp. 35-39, 1991.
356. P. Glaister. Shallow water flow with cylindrical symmetry. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 29 (2), pp. 219-227, 1991.
357. P. Glaister. Similarity solutions of the shallow water equations. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 29 (1), pp. 107-116, 1991.
358. P. Glaister. Solutions of a two-dimensional dam-break problem. International Journal of Engineering Science, 29 (11), pp. 1357-1362, 1991.
359. P. Glaister. Some observations on the inverted bottle problem. Journal Of Chemical Education, 68 (7), pp. 623-624, 1991.
360. P. Glaister. A TVD finite difference scheme with non-uniform meshes and without upstream weighting. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 22 (3), pp. 45-58, 1991.
361. P. Glaister. Volumes of revolution and the golden section. Mathematics in School, 20, p. 46, 1991.
362. P. Glaister. An algorithm for the shallow water equations with body fitted meshes. Computational Mechanics, 8 (5), pp. 313-318, 1991.
363. P. Glaister. An approximate solution of the grazing problem. Mathematical Gazette, 75 (2), pp. 198-199, 1991.
364. P. Glaister. A complex integration by substitution. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 22 (1), pp. 128-129, 1991.
365. P. Glaister. An efficient finite difference scheme for three-dimensional, non-equilibrium flows using operator splitting. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 21 (2-3), pp. 29-38, 1991.
366. P. Glaister. An isentropic flow algorithm with body fitted meshes. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 22 (12), pp. 47-53, 1991.
367. P. Glaister. A method for calculating some integrals. Mathematics and Computer Education, 25, pp. 31-32, 1991.
368. P. Glaister. A non-uniform mesh scheme for compressible flow. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 21 (4), pp. 39-62, 1991.
369. P. Glaister. An observation on the Arrhenius equation. School Science Review, 73, pp. 99-101, 1991.
370. P. Glaister. The time difference for a general dissipative medium. Theta, 5, pp. 20-21, 1991.
371. P. Glaister. Further optimisation problems. Mathematical Gazette, 74, pp. 374-375, 1990.
372. P. Glaister. An algorithm for isentropic flow. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Fluids, 11 (2), pp. 169-175, 1990.
373. P. Glaister. Times of flight. Mathematical Gazette, 74, pp. 138-139, 1990.
374. P. Glaister. Approximate Riemann solutions of the two-dimensional shallow-water equations. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 24 (1), pp. 45-53, 1990.
375. P. Glaister. Another peek at the golden section. Mathematical Gazette, 74, pp. 45-46, 1990.
376. P. Glaister. Arithmetic progressions for number sequences. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 21 (3), pp. 506-509. 1990.
377. P. Glaister. Card shuffling: a microcomputer approach. Mathematics and Computer Education, 24 (1), pp. 7-10, 1990.
378. P. Glaister. Finite and infinite products: a fresh look. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 9 (4), pp. 179-185, 1990.
379. P. Glaister. Flux difference splitting for inviscid, real gases with non-equilibrium chemistry. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 20 (3), pp. 45-51, 1990.
380. P. Glaister. Lateral thinking in mechanics. Physics Education, 25 (2), p. 75, 1990.
381. P. Glaister. Mathematics for the bath: a model and its solution. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 9 (1), pp. 15-18, 1990.
382. P. Glaister. Non-uniform acceleration formulae. School Science Review, 71, p. 122, 1990.
383. P. Glaister. On the distance travelled. Physics Education, 25 (5), p. 240, 1990.
384. P. Glaister. On the proof of a general result in mechanics involving projectiles. Theta, 4, pp. 3-5, 1990.
385. P. Glaister. Sequences and limits. Mathematics Teaching, 132, p. 7, 1990.
386. P. Glaister. Some aspects of projectile motion. School Science Review, 72, pp. 125-127, 1990.
387. P. Glaister. Some further results for motion with air resistance. School Science Review, 72, pp. 123-125, 1990.
388. P. Glaister. Two problems - on the perimeter and mensuration and calculus. Mathematics Teaching, 131, p. 34, 1990.
389. P. Glaister. When the dam breaks. Physics Education, 25 (3), p. 139, 1990.
390. P. Glaister. You will get your pi, eventually. Mathematical Spectrum, 23 (2), pp. 33-35, 1990.
391. P. Glaister. e - the easy way. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 9 (2), pp. 55-57, 1990.
392. P. Glaister. An infinite series and a proof of its sum. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 21 (5), pp. 816-820, 1990.
393. P. Glaister. A projectile problem with an application. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 21 (6), pp. 1002-1006, 1990.
394. P. Glaister. A similarity solution for a shock reflection problem in isentropic gas dynamics. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 20 (1), pp. 67-75, 1990.
395. P. Glaister. Isentropic flow with cylindrical or spherical symmetry. Communications in Applied Numerical Methods, 5 (7), pp. 445-454, 1989.
396. P. Glaister. An efficient algorithm for compressible flows with real gases. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Fluids, 9 (10), pp. 1269-1283, 1989.
397. P. Glaister. Timeless resistance! Physics Education, 24 (4), p. 187, 1989.
398. P. Glaister. Flux-difference splitting for the Euler equations in generalised coordinates using a local parameterisation of the equation of state. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 23 (1), pp. 17-28, 1989.
399. P. Glaister. Generalised Shears. IMA Journal of Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 8 (1), pp. 14-16, 1989.
400. P. Glaister. Logarithmic thoughts. Micromath, 5, pp. 15-17, 1989.
401. P. Glaister. Some observations on the binomial coefficients. Mathematical Gazette, 73, pp. 315-317, 1989.
402. P. Glaister. Some thoughts on numeracy. IMA Mathematics Education News, 1, pp. 4-5, 1989.
403. P. Glaister. An aspect of the ratio theorem. Mathematical Gazette, 73, pp. 219-221, 1989.
404. P. Glaister. A limit obtained from applied mathematics. Mathematical Gazette, 73, pp. 31-32, 1989.
405. P. Glaister. The logic of folding. Mathematics Teaching, 128, p. 11, 1989.
406. P. Glaister. A matrix look at hyperbolic functions. Mathematical Gazette, 73, pp. 326-327, 1989.
407. P. Glaister. The transition from finite to infinite binomial expansions. Mathematical Gazette, 73, pp. 228-229, 1989.
408. P. Glaister. Shock-capturing schemes for body-fitted meshes. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Fluids, 8 (9), pp. 1095-1105, 1988.
409. P. Glaister. An approximate linearised Riemann solver for the three- dimensional Euler equations for real gases using operator splitting. Journal of Computational Physics, 77 (2), pp. 361-383, 1988.
410. P. Glaister. A shock reflection problem in compressible gas dynamics with a similarity solution. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 8 (3), pp. 343-356, 1988.
411. P. Glaister. Flux-difference splitting for the Euler equations with axial symmetry. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 22 (2), pp. 107-121, 1988.
412. P. Glaister. An approximate linearised Riemann solver for real gases. Journal of Computational Physics, 74 (2), pp. 382-408, 1988.
413. P. Glaister. Flux difference splitting for the Euler equations in one spatial coordinate with area variation. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Fluids, 8 (1), pp. 97-119, 1988.
414. P. Glaister. Approximate Riemann solutions of the shallow water equations. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 26 (3), pp. 293-306, 1988.
415. P.Glaister. Products of vectors revisited. Mathematical Gazette, 72, pp. 48-49, 1988.
1. P. Glaister. Mathematical and quantitative skills needed in the UK - now and in the future: assessing the suitability of the qualifications system for maths education, delivering choice and variety for learners with different needs, and supporting progress into further study and employment, Westminster Education Forum National Conference on Next steps for maths education in England - curriculum design, teaching, attainment, support, qualifications, progression, and moving forward from the pandemic, Westminster Education Forum, London, 2022.
2. P. Glaister. The impact of qualification reform on the maths curriculum and teaching staff: adjusting to the new GCSEs and A Level curriculum, the introduction of core maths and qualifications post GCSE, Westminster Education Forum National Conference on Maths teaching in England - qualification reform, teacher recruitment and retention, and the impact of the new Ofsted inspection framework, Westminster Education Forum, London, 2020.
3. P. Glaister. Importance of Language Analysis & linguistics to mathematics & statistics: From Numbers to Insight, Committee for Linguistics in Education LASER launch, British Academy, 2019.
4. P. Glaister. Core Maths: the story thus far and planning for 2018 implementation. British Congress on Mathematics Education (BCME9) on Celebrating Mathematics Education. British Congress on Mathematics Education, 2018.
5. P. Glaister. Post 16 Mathematics - next steps following the Smith review and the Industrial Strategy, Westminster Education Forum National Conference on The future for Mathematics education post-16 – improving uptake, quantitative skills, and teacher development, Westminster Education Forum, London, 2018
6. P. Glaister. Post-16 Mathematics - funding, increasing uptake and progress in implementing the new A-Levels qualifications, Westminster Education Forum National Conference on The future for Mathematics education post-16 – improving uptake, quantitative skills, and teacher development Post 16 Mathematics. Westminster Education Forum, London, 2018.
7. P. Glaister. Ensuring a Pipeline of Higher Level STEM, Addressing the Skills Shortage in UK STEM: Ensuring a Pipeline of Higher-Level STEM - Improving Degree Provision, Funding for Research and Engaging with Employers, Policy-UK Forum, pp. 151-179, 2017.
8. P. Glaister. Post 16 Mathematics: landscape, policy, reforms, and the Smith Review – a perspective from HE, Mathematics Education beyond 16: Pathways and Transitions. Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and CETL-MSOR, 2017.
9. P. Glaister, et al. Core Maths preparation for the future and enhancing the post 16 provision map, Mathematics Education beyond 16: Pathways and Transitions. Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and CETL-MSOR, 2017.
10. P. Glaister. The new Mathematics A‐levels: implementation and the contribution of other subjects, Westminster Education Forum National Conference on Reforms to Maths qualifications: new A-levels and the future of maths provision post-16 (also Chair). Westminster Education Forum, London, pp. 36-67, 2017.
11. P. Glaister. The future of post-16 Mathematics: improving quality and increasing uptake, Westminster Education Forum National Conference on Reforms to Maths qualifications: new A-levels and the future of maths provision post-16. Westminster Education Forum, London, pp. 20-21, 2017.
12. P. Glaister. Post 16 Mathematics – Pathways and transition to HE, Policy-UK Forum 2017 National Conference on State of Mathematics Skills, Teaching and Compulsory Maths to 18. Policy-UK Forum, London, 2017.
13. P. Glaister. Standards of University Teaching – what, if anything, can be learned from schools? Proceedings of the CETL-MSOR Maths conference 2016. The MSOR Network, pp. 50-55, 2016.
14. P. Glaister. Developing the content of the six Areas of Learning and Experience Policy Forum for Wales National Conference on The new National Curriculum for Wales – developing the content of the Areas of Learning and Experience. Policy Forum for Wales, Cardiff, pp. 41-45, 2016.
15. P. Glaister. A-Level maths - teaching, increasing uptake and the impact of ‘core maths’, Westminster Education Forum 2016 National Conference on Reforming maths qualifications in England – GCSEs, A-levels, Core Maths and compulsory courses post-16. Westminster Education Forum, London, pp. 54-56, 2016.
16. P. Glaister. Post-16 Mathematics Reforms: A-level and Core Maths. Proceedings of the CETL-MSOR Maths conference 2015. The MSOR Network, pp. 37-42, 2015.
17. K. L. Ayres and P. Glaister. A technique for delivering individualised formative problems and examples. Proceedings of the HEA-STEM Annual Conference 2012. Imperial College London, England.
18. K. L. Ayres, N. R. T. Biggs and P. Glaister. Statistical monitoring of student performance: an early warning system. Proceedings of the HEA-STEM Annual Conference 2012. Imperial College London.
19. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. Teaching and Learning Computer Algebra Packages. Proceedings of the CETL-MSOR Maths conference 2006. The MSOR Network, pp. 63-65, 2007.
20. P. Glaister. Numerical characteristic decomposition for compressible flows with general (convex) equations of state. Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Numerical methods for fluid dynamics. Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications Conference Series (3), Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp. 383-390, 1988.
c. Refereed book chapters (2):
1. P. Glaister. Limitless opportunities for mathematics graduates. In: Vaidya, K. (ed.) Mathematics for the curious: why study mathematics. American Association of University Presses, 2015.
2. P. Glaister and E. M. Glaister. The role of applications in Mathematics Teaching and the enhancement of mathematics learning through project work. In: Burghes, D. and Szalontai, T. (eds.) International Research Series of Monographs on Mathematics Teaching Worldwide, Monograph 1. Kluwer, pp. 37-57, 2004.
d. Published reports (1):
1. P. Glaister, R. Craster, C. Dunning, P. Giblin, M. Heslop, S. Humble, S. Pope, R. Porkess, A. Rogers, L. Walker and H. Wilson. Report of the ALCAB panel on mathematics and further mathematics, A Level Content Advisory Board (ALCAB), 2014.
e. Articles (9):
1. P. Glaister. We need to support Core Maths qualifications to realise young people’s ambitions. The Royal Society., 2022. (See also:
2. P. Glaister. Careers in maths – Help students understand the options. Teachwire., 2022.
3. P. Glaister. Mathematics Education Policy Advice: The Royal Society Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) and Contact Groups, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications,, 2018.
4. P. Glaister. Core Maths: the most significant development in post-16 mathematics education in a generation. STEM Learning,, 2017.
5. P. Glaister. What is Core Maths and why is funding it so important? FEweek,, 2017.
6. P. Glaister. What should the maths component of T-levels look like? FEweek,, 2017.
7. P. Glaister. Did you know that Mathematics and Further Mathematics AS and A levels have changed? Institute of Mathematics and its Applications,, 2017.
8. P. Glaister. Core Maths – the most important initiative in post 16 mathematics education in a generation? Institute of Mathematics and its Applications,, 2018.
9. P. Glaister. Should all students continue studying mathematics to 18? (The 2017 Smith Review). Institute of Mathematics and its Applications,, 2017.
f. Briefing papers (1):
1. P. Glaister. Briefing paper for universities on Core Maths, CMSP, for HMG Depts DfE & B(E)IS 2015.
g. Conference and workshop contributions (156):
1. Using relatable and inspirational role-models to increase engagement in STEM., Annual Festival of Education, 2022.
2. The Importance of Post 16 Mathematics For All, London, 2022.
3. Why is Post 16 Mathematics for all so important, NEHS Conference, 2022.
4. How and why all students should continue to develop their mathematical and quantitative skills to 18 (at the very least), Annual Festival of Education, 2022 (submitted).
5. Mathematical argument, language and proof in AS/A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, NW Maths Hubs Conference, Manchester, 2022.
6. Schools Raising and Maintaining Standards of Numeracy Across Primary Education (Chair), Inside Government, London, 2022.
7. Employer input to the curriculum - What's the value? IMA Virtual Event, 2022.
8. Mathematical Problem Solving in AS/A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, NW Maths Hubs Conference, Manchester, 2022.
9. Have you thought about the part mathematics could play in your future?, Joint Durham University and Advanced Mathematics Support Programme Annual Lecture, 2022.
10. Next steps for maths education in England - curriculum design, teaching, attainment, support, qualifications, progression, and moving forward from the pandemic, Westminster Education Forum National Conference on: Next steps for maths education in England - curriculum design, teaching, attainment, support, qualifications, progression, and moving forward from the pandemic. London, 2022.
11. Mathematical and quantitative skills needed in the UK - now and in the future: assessing the suitability of the qualifications system for maths education, delivering choice and variety for learners with different needs, and supporting progress into further study and employment, Westminster Education Forum National Conference on: Next steps for maths education in England - curriculum design, teaching, attainment, support, qualifications, progression, and moving forward from the pandemic. London, 2022.
12. Using relatable and inspirational role-models to increase engagement in maths to inspire the next generation, Mathematical Association Annual Conference on: Mathematical Visions – challenging and inspiring mathematics for all, Stratford-upon-Avon, 2022.
13. Delivering Outstanding Maths Teaching in Schools (Chair), Inside Government, London, 2022.
14. National and local Professional Development Opportunities for Mathematics Teachers, Future Teaching Scholars National Conference, Nottingham, December 2021.
15. Core Maths qualifications: challenges and opportunities, Royal Society, London, 2021
16. Delivering university mathematics teaching and learning - post lockdown, Oxford and Cambridge Consultative Forum, Cambridge, 2021.
17. Professionalism and Accreditation in Mathematics Teaching – CMathTeach and CMath, Future Teaching Scholars National Conference, Nottingham, September 2021.
18. Raising participation in level 3 mathematics, London/South-East/South AMSP-NCETM-Maths Hubs, 2021.
19. STEM Ambassadors – what’s involved and why IMA members are perfect for this role (Chair), STEM Learning, 2021.
20. Core Maths as an alternative to A level Mathematics for A level students studying science without maths, Education Policy Alliance, 2021.
21. STEM Ambassadors – what’s involved and why IMA members are perfect for this role, STEM Learning, 2021.
22. Assessing Statistics in A level Mathematics, Royal Society, 2020.
23. National and local Professional Development Opportunities for Mathematics Teachers, Future Teaching Scholars National Conference, Nottingham, December 2020.
24. Review of post-16 qualifications at level 3 in England, Royal Society, 2020.
25. Monitoring Qualification Reform, Royal Society, 2020.
26. Review of post-16 qualifications at level 2 in England, Royal Society, 2020.
27. Core Maths, London Maths Hubs Workshop, 2020.
28. Mathematical argument, language and proof continued, NW Maths Hub Conference, Manchester, 2020.
29. Mathematical problem solving and mathematical modelling in AS and A level Mathematics, NW Maths Hub Conference, Manchester, 2020.
31. Post 16 Mathematics Challenges and Opportunities, LLME Mathematics Conference, London, March, 2020.
32. Maths and Language Analysis, UK Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO), London, 2020.
33. Challenges emerging from the introduction of the new linear A level Mathematics qualification, Monitoring Qualification Reform, Royal Society, February 2020.
34. Current and future curriculum and assessment in statistics and data science, including the role of AS/A levels in Mathematics and Further Mathematics, (Chair), Royal Society, January 2020.
35. National and local Professional Development Opportunities for Mathematics Teachers, Future Teaching Scholars National Conference, Nottingham, December 2019.
36. A-level Mathematics and Further Mathematics 2019 – entries, outcomes, mathematical sciences university applications, Royal Society, October 2019.
37. Curriculum Reforms for Scholars, Teaching Future Teaching Scholars National Conference, Nottingham, September 2019.
38. Mathematical argument, language and proof NW Maths Hub Conference, Manchester, July 2019.
39. A mathematician’s miscellany, and an apology, NW Maths Hub Conference, Manchester, July 2019.
40. Mathematical argument, language and proof, Kent & Medway Maths Hub Conference, University of Kent, July 2019.
41. A mathematician’s miscellany, and an apology, Kent & Medway Maths Hub Conference, University of Kent, July 2019.
44. Yes, you can do proof, GLOW Maths Hub Conference MathsFest19, March 2019.
45. Yes, you can enjoy mathematics, GLOW Maths Hub Conference MathsFest19, March 2019.
46. Mathematical argument, language and proof, Boolean Maths Hub Conference, Bristol, January 2019.
47. A mathematician’s miscellany, and an apology, Boolean Maths Hub Conference, Bristol, January 2019.
48. National Landscape and HE, Core Maths Conference - Keeping the Context Alive, Derby, 2019.
49. National Landscape and HE, Core Maths Conference - Keeping the Context Alive, London, 2019.
50. National Landscape and HE, Core Maths Conference - Keeping the Context Alive, Southampton, 2019.
51. National Landscape and HE, Core Maths Conference - Keeping the Context Alive, Exeter, 2019.
52. National Landscape and HE, Core Maths Conference - Keeping the Context Alive, London, 2018.
53. National Landscape and HE, Core Maths Conference - Keeping the Context Alive, Birmingham, 2018.
54. Reforms to Post 16 Mathematics and Government Priorities in the Industrial Strategy, Loughborough University, November 2018.
55. Post 16 Mathematics & A Mathematician’s Miscellany, Inspiring Young Mathematicians Conference, Solent Maths Hub, Portsmouth, October 2018.
56. Reforms to AS/A levels in Mathematics and Further Mathematics - content, structure, overarching themes, etc: implications for HE, Teaching and Learning Conference, Loughborough University, September 2018.
57. Curriculum Reforms for Scholars, Teaching Future Teaching Scholars National Conference, Nottingham, September 2018.
58. Post-16 mathematics pathways for all: challenges and opportunities, Royal Society ACME Mathematics Education Policy Conference 2018 - Working together: Mathematics education in a changing landscape, July 2018.
59. Post-16 Mathematics: landscape, policy, practice and priorities, National Association for Numeracy and Mathematics in Colleges (NANAMIC) Annual Conference: Boundaries and Bridges, York, July 2018.
60. Post 16 Pathways and Increasing Uptake, BBO Maths Hub Conference on Secondary Mathematics, July 2018.
61. A Mathematician’s Miscellany, BBO Maths Hub Conference on Secondary Mathematics, July 2018.
62. Policy and Priorities for Level 3 Mathematics, NW Maths Hub Conference, Manchester, July 2018.
63. Core Maths: recognition and support, STEM Learning Workshop on Core Maths, York, June 2018.
64. Core Maths: the wider policy landscape, STEM Learning Workshop on Core Maths, York, June 2018.
65. Advanced and Level 3 Mathematics, National Conference (MEI/NCETM/AMSP) on Post 16 and level 3 for Maths Hubs, Keele, June, 2018.
66. Core Maths – what, why, when, where and how? GLOW Maths Hub Conference on Core Maths, April 2018.
68. Post-16 Mathematics - funding, increasing uptake and progress in implementing the new A-Levels qualifications, Westminster Education Forum National Conference on: The future for Mathematics education post-16 – improving uptake, quantitative skills, and teacher development. London, April 2018.
70. Celebrating Mathematics Education – Opening Address. British Congress on Mathematics Education (BCME9):– Celebrating Mathematics Education, Warwick, April 2018
72. Post 16 Mathematics and the Industrial Strategy, Loughborough University, March 2018.
74. Routes and Pathways through Post 16 Mathematics, Berkshire Heads, SLT, SLE, LLME, Reading, February 2018.
75. Successfully teaching the new A level mathematics curriculum, Understanding ModernGov National Conference, London, January 2018.
77. Post 16 and Level 3 Landscape, the Smith Review and the Industrial Strategy, National Conference on Post 16 and level 3 for Maths Hubs, Birmingham, November, 2017.
78. Addressing the Skills Shortage in UK STEM: Ensuring a Pipeline of Higher-Level STEM - Improving Degree Provision, Funding for Research and Engaging with Employers, Policy-UK Forum National Conference, October 2017.
79. Post 16 Mathematics landscape: past, present, future, and implications of the Smith review, Power of 6 London Maths Hubs National Conference, London, October 2017.
81. Post 16 Landscape; priorities, policy and practice, and the Smith Review and implementation for Core Maths, Power of 6 London Maths Hubs National Conference, London, October 2017.
82. Post 16 Landscape; priorities, policy and practice and its implementation, Kent & Medway Maths Hub Annual Conference, October 2017.
83. Module Development for Scholars, Teaching Future Teaching Scholars National Conference, Nottingham, September 2017.
84. Core Maths preparation for the future and enhancing the post 16 provision map, IMA Conference on Mathematics Education beyond 16: Pathways and Transitions, Birmingham, July 2017.
85. Post-16 mathematics – landscape, policy, reforms, and the Smith review, AoC, July 2017.
86. Post 16 - landscape, policy, priorities, and what we know about the Smith review so far, Solent Maths Hub level 3 Conference, July 2017.
87. Post 16 Mathematics landscape, policy, reforms, and the Smith Review – a perspective from HE, IMA Conference on Mathematics Education beyond 16: Pathways and Transitions, Birmingham, July 2017.
88. Core Maths: past, present and future – where is it all heading?, Regional Conferences on Core Maths (NE, NW, NNW), July 2017.
89. Should more (or all) students continue to study mathematics to 18?, Telegraph Annual Festival of Education, June 2017.
90. Core Maths: past, present and future – where is it all heading?, National Conference on Core Maths, June 2017.
91. The Smith review into Post 16 mathematics – the likely implications for your schools, BBO Maths Hub Secondary Headteachers Conference, May 2017.
92. Post 16 Mathematics Reforms and the Smith Review, Royal Society of Chemistry, May 2017.
93. The Smith Review and the HE Sector, National Conference on Core Maths, May 2017.
94. Post 16 Mathematics Reforms and the Smith Review, Royal Society of Biology, May 2017.
95. Core Maths: Why we need to train teachers, National TSST Mathematics Conference: ensuring the highest quality provision, Birmingham, April 2017.
96. The new Mathematics A-levels: implementation and the contribution of other subjects, Westminster Education Forum National Conference on Reforms to Maths qualifications: new A-levels and the future of maths provision post-16, London 2017. (Chair).
97. The future of post-16 Mathematics: improving quality and increasing uptake, Westminster Education Forum National Conference on Reforms to Maths qualifications: new A-levels and the future of maths provision post-16, London 2017. (Chair).
98. Developing the Society’s response to the Smith Review of mathematics post-16, Mathematics Education at the Royal Society, London, March 2017
99. Core Maths and the Post 16 Review, NE Regional Conference (Darlington), March 2017.
100. Supporting the implementations of recommendations of the Post 16 Smith Review, National NCETM/Maths Hubs/CMSP/FMSP Conference, London, March 2017.
101. Core Maths and the Post 16 Review, NW Regional Conference (Manchester), March 2017.
102. Post 16 Mathematics and the role of Core Maths, Enigma Maths Hub Conference, Milton Keynes, March 2017.
103. Increasing participation in post-16 mathematics – landscape, policy, reforms, and the Smith review: Core Maths, Association of Colleges Conference, March 2017.
104. Core Maths and the Post 16 Review, NE Regional Conference (York), March 2017.
105. Core Maths – purpose, support, guidance, and its place in Post 16 reforms, Association of Sixth Form Colleges Conference, February 2017.
106. Post-16 Mathematics Reforms and (Smith) Review - potential impact on HE of prior study: knowledge, skills, and understanding, HEA Deans’ Summit Conference, York, February, 2017.
107. Post 16 Mathematics – Pathways and transition to HE, Policy-UK Forum National Conference on State of Mathematics Skills, Teaching and Compulsory Maths to 18. Policy-UK Forum, London, January 2017.
108. Post 16 Review of Mathematics, Leaders in Mathematics Education, Darlington, January 2017.
109. Post 16 Mathematics (and Conference Chair), Post 16 English and Mathematics National Conference, London, December 2016.
110. Core Maths and CMSP, National Conference on Level 3 for Maths Hubs, December 2016.
111. The Post-16 Review and Smith Report, National Conference on Level 3 for Maths Hubs, December 2016.
112. Core Maths, National FMSP Conference on Changes to Level 3 mathematics in England, November 2016.
113. Post 16 Mathematics – landscape, policy, reforms, review, Solent Maths Hub Conference, Portsmouth, November 2016.
114. Core Maths, the Post 16 Review, and CPD, NW Regional Conference, November 2016.
115. Core Maths, the Post 16 Review, and CPD, London & SE Regional Conference, November 2016.
116. Core Maths, the Post 16 Review, and CPD, NE Regional Conference, November 2016.
117. Policy reforms in mathematics education and priorities for Post 16 mathematics, Successful Selective Girls’ Schools National Conference, Reading, November, 2016.
118. Reviewing the impact of mathematics reforms on higher education admissions, 2nd National Conference on Higher Education Admissions, October, 2016.
119. Developing the content of the six Areas of Learning and Experience Policy Forum for Wales National Conference on The new National Curriculum for Wales – developing the content of the Areas of Learning and Experience. Policy Forum for Wales, Cardiff, October 2016.
120. Core Maths – promotion, recognition and endorsement from HE, National Conference on Core Maths, London, October, 2016.
121. Post 16 Mathematics, Association of Reading Heads, Berks, October 2016.
122. The importance of Scholars to Teaching, Teaching Future Teaching Scholars National Conference, Nottingham, September 2016.
123. Post 16 Mathematics: Core Maths and AS/A Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, Leaders in Mathematics Education, London, September 2016.
124. Statistics in England’s new qualification landscape, Statistics across the curriculum: are we preparing young people for the data revolution? Royal Statistical Society, London, July 2016.
125. The Wider Mathematical Landscape. BBO/NCETM Maths Hub Conference, High Wycombe, June 2016.
126. STEM CPD Opportunities. Teacher Subject Specialism Training (TSST) for National College of Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), Department for Education (DfE), London, 2016.
127. Post-16 Mathematics, Russell Group Heads/Directors of Admissions Conference, Exeter, 2016.
128. Core Maths and Higher Education, East Midlands Chamber of Commerce Launch Event with the Secretary of State for Education, Loughborough, 2016.
129. Core Maths Early Adopters National Conference, London, 2016.
130. Post 16 maths – Core Maths & CMSP, AS/A level reforms & ALCAB, Qualification Reform Conference, Queen Mary, University of London, 2016.
131. Core Maths – the picture nationally and locally. K&M/NCETM/FMSP Maths Hub Conference, Rainham, 2016.
132. Post-16, GCSE and Core Maths. National Conference on Post-16 Education and Training, London, 2016.
133. A-Level maths - teaching, increasing uptake and the impact of ‘core maths’, Westminster Education Forum National Conference on Reforming maths qualifications in England – GCSEs, A-levels, Core Maths and compulsory courses post-16, London 2016.
134. Mathematics Participation Measure, Bucks Association of Secondary Heads, Bucks, 2016.
135. Vision for level 3 mathematics participation, DfE/NCETM/FMSP/CMSP/Maths Hubs National Conference, 2016.
136. The new Post-16 Mathematics Landscape, 8th Annual Keynote Sixth Form Leadership National Conference, London, 2016.
137. Post-16 Mathematics, Russell Group PVC Conference, London, 2015.
138. Post-16 Mathematics Reforms: A Level. National Conference on Curriculum 2015, London, 2015.
139. Post-16 Mathematics Reforms: Core Maths. National Conference on Curriculum 2015, London, 2015.
140. Promoting Core Maths in HE - endorsement. National Conference on Core Maths, London, 2015.
141. Post-16 Mathematics. 5th National Conference on Secondary Mathematics, London, 2015.
142. 16-18 Mathematics: The new landscape. National UCAS Annual Admissions Conference, Newport, 2015.
143. A-level Mathematics and Further Mathematics – what’s around the corner?. BBO/NCETM Maths Hub Conference, High Wycombe, 2015.
144. Core Maths – who, why, what, where, and when? BBO/NCETM Maths Hub Conference, High Wycombe, 2015.
145. Core Maths. University of Birmingham, 2015.
146. Q-Step Centres, Core Maths, and CMSP. Nuffield Foundation National Conference for Q-Step Centres, London, 2015.
147. Core Maths and CMSP. Association of Colleges National Conference, London, 2015.
148. Promoting Core Maths – recruitment and endorsement. National Conference on Core Maths, York, 2015.
149. Promoting Core Maths – recruitment and endorsement. National Conference on Core Maths, London, 2015.
150. Outlining the Finalised Content for Mathematics (and Further Mathematics) at AS and A-level. 3rd National Conference on Secondary Mathematics, London, 2015.
151. Promoting Core Maths - HE. National Conference Core Maths Early Developers Launch, London, 2015.
152. Promoting Core Maths – HE update. National Core Maths Leads Conference, London, 2015.
153. Core Maths – how and why did we get here? Launch of the Senior Advisory Board for Core Maths, London, 2014.
154. Promoting Core Maths - HE. National Core Maths Leads Conference, London, 2014.
155. Applying Mathematics in Education and Employment: The mathematical demands of university students. National Conference Core Maths Early Adopters Launch, London, 2014.
156. Applying Mathematics in Education and Employment: The mathematical demands of university students. National Conference Core Maths Launch, London, 2014.
h. Institution-wide presentations on post-16 Mathematics and Core Maths Briefings on behalf of DfE/BIS:
Bath, Birmingham, Birmingham City, Brighton, Bristol, Brunel, Cambridge, Cardiff, Central Lancashire, City, Coventry, De Montfort, Durham, Essex, Exeter, Greenwich, Harper Adams, Imperial College London, Lancaster, Leicester, Liverpool, London School of Economics, Loughborough, Kent, King’s College London, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham, Queen Mary, Oxford Brookes, Portsmouth; Plymouth, Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam, Southampton, Sunderland, Surrey, Sussex, UCL, UEA, Warwick, York, 2015-17.
(b) Postgraduate research supervision and examining.
· Anna Watkins (née Bebington) (2008-2017, p/t, intercalation 2010-2012 while preparing to win an Olympic Gold Medal at London 2012 in the Womens’ Double Sculls with Katherine Grainger, and again 2015-2016 in preparation for the 2016 Rio Olympics, and on maternity leave (twice)), jointly supervised with Baines.
· Ben Wells (2001-2005), jointly supervised with Baines.
· David Bailey (2001-2005), jointly supervised with Sweby.
· Wayne Gaudin (1998-2003, p/t), jointly supervised with Baines.
· Paul Sims (1995-1999), jointly supervised with Baines.
I have also supervised or co-supervised two Research Fellows and seven MSc projects. I have been an internal examiner for MSc programmes for 4 years and I have been a (sole) PhD internal examiner on 15 occasions. I regularly sit on PhD monitoring committees from 1994-.
Recent External Examining experience for Doctorates includes: University of Birmingham (PhD, 2020), University of Plymouth (PhD, 2018); Middlesex University (DProf, 2019).
(c) Research grants and contracts.
(i) External Awards:
· Council for British Teachers (CfBT)/Education Development Trust (EDT), Core Maths Support Programme, (Consultant), 2015-16, £5,000.
· National HESTEM Programme, Work Placements for Maths & Stats Undergraduates (PI), April 2011 - September 2012, £35,136.
· EPSRC, Institute for Computational Fluid Dynamics, December 1991 - May 1994, (co-I with Sweby; PI Baines), £46,609.
(ii) Internal awards:
· University of Reading Teaching and Learning Development Fund award, Assessment in Mathematics, (PI), October 2002 - September 2003, £10,000.
(d) Evidence of Research Esteem.
· Elected a Member of the London Mathematical Society (LMS) 2015
· Elected Chartered Scientist 2005.
· Elected Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 2001.
· Elected Chartered Mathematician 1991.
· Elected Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 1990.
· One of five lecturers giving a course for industry on ‘Riemann Problems and Numerical Methods’ at Cranfield Institute of Technology, 1992.
· Approximate Riemann Solutions for Real Gases, (invited speaker), 2nd International Meeting on Random Choice Methods in Gas Dynamics, Cranfield, 1987.
(e) Evidence of research leadership within the school/department.
· Treasurer and member of the organising committee for the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (BAMC), Reading, 2001. The BAMC is the main meeting of UK applied mathematicians, attracting around 300 delegates. This involved setting and managing the budget, setting the conference fees, booking rooms, accommodation and space, day-day finances and receipt of fees, securing income from: publishers, industrial sponsors, employer and professional bodies, for publicity purposes.
(f) Contribution to research activities at a national/international level.
· Reviewer for approximately fifteen high quality journals.
1. Teaching and leadership.
(a) Quality of teaching and commitment to CPD.
· Mentor for new staff (6 staff in total), 2001–.
· Elected Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2001.
· Qualified Teacher Status, 1984.
· Postgraduate Certificate of Education, University of Reading, 1981.
· Line manager for ~40 staff, including conducting Staff Development Reviews, Performance and Development Reviews, twice-yearly performance Reviews for Probationary Staff, Peer Observation and Mentor for teaching, outreach and administration duties, 2010-2015.
· Consistently excellent student feedback, from SSLC representatives and module evaluation forms. Typical feedback comments:
o “All students agree that Dr Glaister is well-prepared, organised and presents at a good speed.”
o ”Dr Glaister has a good rapport with students, is approachable and enthusiastic and maintains interest during lectures. Dr Glaister allows/encourages questions in lectures.”
o “Many students find the thorough nature of Dr Glaister’s lectures very helpful.”
o “Handouts are really useful.”
o “Everyone finds that the module is very well laid out and finds it interesting. People are understanding lectures and like the style of the lectures.”
o “The notes given on this course are really helpful and are full of lots of examples which is great. The problem sheets are also helpful as are the solutions. The lectures are good and the pace of them is just right.”
o “Enjoyable lectures and an interesting topic.”
o The lectures were very interesting, well presented. Favourite module so far!”
o “Interesting lectures, very good notes, easy to follow and understand.”
o “Glaister is a legend! You know it’s all true.”
(b) Leadership in teaching and learning (see also Section D(b) for leadership in Head of Department role).
· In 2014 I designed a new, additional interactive quiz for applicants to conclude the day, entitled ‘I’m a Transcendental – get me out of here!’ arising out of my publication a.26.
· Introduced in 2008 a Teaching Fellow post with no research duties into the department. This initiative has proved to be an outstanding success, with the post holder receiving a University lump sum award, a School Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning (the only academic receiving this award in the School), and a University Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning (one of only four awards across the University), all in the first four years.
· Director of Undergraduate Studies and Director of Teaching and Learning, 2001-2004, 2006; Senior Tutor, 2004-2007; Deputy HoD, 2009-2010; Head of Department; 2010-.
· In 2004 I designed a new Visit Day Programme for undergraduate applicants (and their parents), including the development and delivery since then of an interactive quiz for applicants to conclude the day, entitled ‘Maths – 100% Proof’ which is very popular with applicants, as well as puzzles for applicants to try on arrival at the Visit Day. I received a University Award for this in 2007, and a further University Award for contributions to recruitment in 2008. The corresponding intake in 2005 increased by 50% over the numbers from previous years, which were roughly constant, and the numbers increased further so that current and more recent figures are double those from 2004 and earlier. Since 2009 I have also delivered a Visit Day Talk to applicants’ parents. As part of this I set about the task of improving significantly our marketing via our Departmental Brochure. This was written completely anew by a team comprising my newly appointed Admissions Officer, Director of Undergraduate Studies and myself, and this now showcases much better our undergraduate provision and the opportunities it affords.
(c) Enhancement in programme/module development and delivery.
· Introduction of placement opportunities in all programmes, including developing versions of all programmes ‘with a year in industry’. This has been informed by the work undertaken as part of National HESTEM Grant I was awarded for 2011-12: ‘Work Placements for Maths and Stats undergraduates – identifying formats that provide real employability skills and determining appropriate assessment processes for degree level accreditation’, and the outcomes contained in the final report. The work has been disseminated to HE through HESTEM and seeks to help institutions in setting up work placements for Maths and Stats students, and this has been presented at a Teaching and Learning Showcase at Reading. The impact of this work at Reading has been in terms of the strong influence the outcomes have had on how we have introduced and developed placement opportunities in the new programmes with a year in industry. The outcomes of the project include:
o Written and video case studies of students describing the benefits of placements;
o Definitions of placement formats and employability skills;
o A table of minimum placement requirements;
o Examples of forms, questionnaires, posters and promotional emails to students and employers;
o A list of potential employers willing to contribute to give talks as part of the undergraduate curriculum;
o A list of potential hosts of work placements/work shadowing opportunities;
o Development of a ‘Toolkit for setting up credit-bearing placements to improve the employability skills of STEM students’ which is published on the HESTEM website and:
§ identifies how different types of work placement can be used and how a credit- bearing work placement might be incorporated into undergraduate degree programmes in mathematics or other STEM degree courses;
§ makes recommendations on protocol for appropriate assessment criteria and processes for skills acquired in order that work placements become a credit-bearing element of the curriculum;
§ makes recommendations to the Faculty of Science and other STEM departments across the university and further afield in setting up and assessment of a range of credit-bearing work placement types for undergraduates.
· New modules introduced under my leadership since 2010 include Geometry, Scientific Writing and Mathematical Programming, Error Correcting Codes, Mathematical Physics, Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations, Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Coding Theory, Part 3 Project, as well as post-exams activities on programming in Matlab, careers and outreach (which I deliver). Each of these initiatives have been undertaken for strategic reasons, either to increase the attractiveness of our programmes in the undergraduate and international market, or to enhance transferrable skills and modelling skills to improve employability.
Other recent enhancement in the programmes and their delivery are described in (d) and Section D(b). Previous programme enhancements delivered since my last promotion in 1999 include:
· Responsible for Departmental Teaching and Learning Plans, 2003-2006.
· Responsible for the Self-Evaluation Document for the Mathematics Periodic Review, and the associated documentation for this, 2003.
· Development and implementation (2002-2006) of the new undergraduate curriculum required in 2002 when the University moved from a structure of three ten-week terms to a different modular structure with twenty four weeks of teaching;
· Responsible (jointly with one other member of staff) for the Self-Assessment Document, QAA Subject Review, 2000, and the substantial amount of documentation in the ‘base room’.
· Leading assessment development, including introduction of skill-based modules, with significant written and oral communication components, open-notes examinations, projects – both individual and group-based, 2000-.
(d) Supporting students’ learning and development.
· Introduction in 2010 of weekly Personal Tutorial meetings in Part 1 between Personal Tutors and Tutees to (a) provide strong support for the school-university transition both in academic and pastoral terms, (b) develop a strong relationship early on between both parties, (c) to provide better monitoring of progress and engagement by students, and (d) to provide support for their Part 1 modules and enhance their transferable skills. This has been very popular with students who commented in a Staff-Student Forum: “Students think these are really helpful and enjoyable. It gives students the opportunity to go through material and raise any concerns they have.” Students had also requested that we provide smaller group tutorials (10-12) for Analysis with a member of staff dedicated to their group, and this has been introduced from 2012-.
· In 2008 I enhanced our provision further by introducing a combined package of academic tutorials delivered by academic staff, and problems classes delivered by postgraduate teaching assistants.
· I was the first person to take on the role of Senior Tutor in the School from 2007-2009, responsible, in addition to the advertised duties, for the introduction of iLearn (a tool for assisting tutors and tutees in the latter’s development), and developing and organising a system of achievement prizes. This followed my introduction of a Senior Tutor role within the Department, which I held from 2004-2007, prior to the implementation by the University of a School position in 2007.
· Introduction and management of a weekly ‘Drop-in Maths Surgery’ aimed at providing support for Part 1 students on A level material which is an essential pre-requisite for Part 1 modules, 1998-. This was commended in the 2000 QAA Subject Review Report for Mathematics and Statistics: ‘A drop-in surgery, targeted mainly at first-year students, offers a valuable and well-used learning support, providing a source of immediate help in dealing with deficiencies in background knowledge of mathematics. Students can access this sensitively managed service directly on their own initiative, or may be referred by tutors who identify particular needs.’.
· Introduction and implementation of a Diagnostic Test for Part 1 students to help them establish areas of weakness in A level material, and writing a primer on transition materials for Part 1, 1998-2009.
· Design of a booklet and delivery of a presentation as part of the Part 1 induction for new students, ‘An A-Z of Mathematics’, 1998-2009.This was commended in the 2000 QAA Subject Review Report for Mathematics and Statistics: ‘Although the student handbooks, while comprehensive, are not always user-friendly, this is compensated by an excellent and imaginative pamphlet 'A to Z of Mathematics.'.
(e) Involvement in National Activities, and involvement in Quality Management Processes within the University and Nationally.
Since promotion to Senior Lecturer in 1999 I have been extensively involved in many national and international activities, as well as Quality Management Processes in the University and externally:
[The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) is a worldwide organisation devoted to research and development in mathematical education at all levels. ICMI’s purpose is to:
· promote international programs of activities and publications that improve the collaboration, exchange and dissemination of ideas and information on all aspects of the theory and practice of contemporary mathematical education;
· foster efforts to improve the quality of mathematics teaching and learning worldwide;
· support and assist the International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME) and meetings or conferences of ICMI affiliated organizations.
Devoted to the development of mathematical education at all levels, ICMI is a commission of the International Mathematical Union (IMU), an international non-governmental and non-profit scientific organisation whose purpose is to promote international cooperation in mathematics. ICMI was founded at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Rome, 1908 with the initial mandate of analysing the similarities and differences in the secondary school teaching of mathematics among various countries, ICMI has considerably expanded its objectives and activities in the years since.
The Commission:
· offers a forum to promote reflection, collaboration and the exchange and dissemination of ideas on the teaching and learning of mathematics from primary to university level. ICMI works to stimulate the creation, improvement and dissemination of recent research findings and of the available resources for instruction (e.g curricular materials, pedagogical methods, the appropriate use of technology, etc.);
· aims to facilitate the spread and understanding of information on all aspects of the theory and practice of contemporary mathematical education from an international perspective. ICMI has the additional objective of providing a link between educational researchers, curriculum designers, educational policy makers, teachers of mathematics, mathematicians, mathematics educators and others interested in mathematical education around the world;
· takes initiative in inaugurating appropriate activities, publications and other programmes designed to further the development of mathematical education and to improve the public appreciation of mathematics. It is also charged with the conduct of IMU's activities on mathematical or scientific education. In the pursuit of its objectives, ICMI cooperates with various thematic and regional groups formed within or outside its own structure.
Among international organisations devoted to mathematics education, ICMI is distinctive because of its close ties with the professional communities of mathematicians and mathematical educators as well as its breadth – thematic, cultural and regional.]
· Elected Chair of The Joint Mathematical Council of the United Kingdom (JMC), comprising the learned societies, subject associations and professional bodies in the mathematical sciences, 2015-18. The JMC is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, Registered Charity Number: 1171223; Registered Office: De Morgan House, 57-58 Russell Square, London, WC1B 4HS.
· Immediate Past Chair, 2019-2020.
· Institute of Mathematics and its Applications representative 2019-.
o The JMC works closely with the Royal Society, including setting up the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education.
o The 34 national organisations that are members of the JMC are: the Adults Learning Mathematics (ALM), Advance HE (formerly HEA), Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM), Association of Mathematics Education Teachers (AMET), British Society for the History of Mathematics (BSHM), British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM), Conference of Heads of Departments of Mathematical Sciences (HoDoMS), Edinburgh Mathematical Society (EMS), Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), London Mathematical Society (LMS), The Mathematical Association (MA), Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), National Association for Numeracy and Mathematics in Colleges (NANAMIC), National Association of Mathematics Advisers (NAMA), National Numeracy (NN), National STEM Centre, NRICH/ Mathematics Millennium Project (NRICH), Operational Research Society (ORS), Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), Royal Statistical Society (RSS), Scottish Mathematical Council (SMC) (pending), United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT), Wales Institute of Mathematical and Computational Sciences (WIMCS), Royal Society Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME), Department for Education [England] (DfE), Department of Education [Northern Ireland] (DENI), Education Scotland, The Scottish Qualification Authority, National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL), Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted), The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual), The Royal Society (RS), Welsh Government Education Directorate (WGED) (pending).
o Since its formation in 1963, the JMC has had some prestigious chairs, including a former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Reading, Sir Harry Pitt FRS.
· Appointed member of the Royal Society’s Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) 2017-20.
· Appointed member of the Joint Royal Society’s Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME)/Royal Society Contact Group of Chairs, 2020-.
· Member, Steering Group, Alliance for Data Science Professionals comprising IMA, RSS, BCS, RAEng, ATI, NPL, RS, ORS: Defining the standards of professional competence and behaviour expected of people who work with data which impacts lives and livelihoods. These include data scientists, data engineers, data analysts and data stewards, 2021-.
· Appointed Deputy Chair, Royal Society’s Advisory Committee on A level (Contact Group) 2020-.
· Member, Joint Council of Mathematical Sciences/HoDoMS Working Group on Entrants to Mathematical Sciences Degrees, 2021-.
· Honorary Secretary, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 2020-.
· Chair, Qualifications Committee, IMA, 2020-.
· Chair, Membership Committee, IMA – responsible for the award of Fellowship, Membership, and Chartered designations: Chartered Mathematician (CMath), Chartered Scientist (CSci) under the IMA’s Royal Charter, 2020-.
· Chair, Joint IMA/MA/ATM/NANAMIC Registration Authority – responsible for the award of Chartered Mathematics Teacher, (CMathTeach), under the IMA’s Royal Charter, 2020-.
· Ex-Officio Member of the Council of the Institute of Mathematics and its Application, 2020-.
· Ex-Officio Member of the Nominating Committee of the Institute of Mathematics and its Application, 2020-.
· Ex-Officio Member of the Professional Affairs Committee of the Institute of Mathematics and its Application, 2020-.
· Member of the Executive Board of the Institute of Mathematics and its Application, 2020-.
· Member, Institute of Mathematics and its Applications Working Group on Diversity, 2021-.
· Member, Chartered College of Teaching Stakeholder Group on Collaboration to support the teaching community, 2021.
· Member, JMC Stakeholder Group on Ofsted Research Review, 2021.
· Member, JMC Stakeholder Group on Technology in Teaching, 2021.
· Member, JMC Stakeholder Group on Initial Teacher Training Review, 2021.
· Member, Joint DfE/Ofqual Strategic Relationships Stakeholder Group on General Qualifications, 2020-21.
· Member of AdvanceHE (formerly HEA) STEM Deans’ Summit, 2017-.
· Appointed to the Royal Society’s Advisory Committee on A level (Contact Group) 2017
· Appointed co-chair of joint Royal Society/Royal Statistical Society’s Sub-Committee on Assessment in A level Mathematics: Statistics and Large Data Sets, 2018-.
· Member of the SE Regional Maths Hub/Advanced Maths Support Programme group on level 3 mathematics, 2018-.
· Reviewer, Levelling Up Scheme: Mathematics, London Mathematical Society, 2021-2.
· Member, Royal Society Learned Society Mathematical Futures and ACME Funders Group, 2021-.
· Appointed member of the Royal Society’s Community of Interest on Mathematics, 2018-.
· Elected member of the Council of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 2014–7; 2017-2020.
· Member of the joint CMS(LMS,IMA,RSS)/Royal Society/JMC Working Group on ACME/NMSC/RS/Contact Groups 2016 -.
· Member, Steering Committee for National Centre for Statistics and Data Science Education, 2022-.
· Chair, DfE/NCTL/JMC Expert Review Panel for Accreditation of TSST Secondary Mathematics Courses, 2017 -.
· DfE Expert Advisory Panel on participation in Post 16 Mathematics, 2019-.
· DfE Expert Advisory Panel for the £560,000 Multiply Programme 2021-.
· DfE Expert Advisory Panel on Mathematics Support Programmes, 2022-.
· Appointed to the BCME Bursaries Committee, 2017-8.
· Appointed member (and Vice-Chair) of the IMA Schools and FE Committee 2016-
· Elected member of the Education Committee of the London Mathematical Society (LMS) 2018-.
· Member, Royal Society Working Group on the Joint Royal Society/British Academy statement on Core Maths qualifications - the importance of promoting Core Maths as practical and valuable qualifications, 2021-2. (See also: and
· Appointed member of the IMA Membership Committee 2019-.
· Member of DfE National Stakeholder Group and adviser on existing and alternative ITE/ITT undergraduate and postgraduate mathematics-specialist pathways into secondary mathematics teaching, 2018-.
· Adviser to DfE on T levels, 2021-.
· Member, External Expert Evaluation and Review Team on Centres for Excellence (Mathematics), 2021-22.
· Member of DfE Expert Stakeholder Group on 2022 White Paper -Levelling Up Education, 2021-22.
· Member of DfE Stakeholder Group on Understanding Exam disruption and Qualifications - research Knowledge and Engagement, 2021.
· Adviser to DfE on AMSP & NCETM Tenders, 2021-.
· Adviser to DfE on National Skills Fund/Lifetime Skills Guarantee for Level 3 Mathematics and Statistics, 2020-.
· Member, DfE Professional & Technical Education/T levels HE Stakeholder Group, 2021-.
· Adviser to DfE on Advanced Maths Premium, signalling and stakeholder engagement, 2017-.
· Adviser to DfE on Teacher Recruitment, Retention and Routes into Teaching, 2019-.
· Adviser to DfE on Qualifications, 2018-.
· Adviser to DfE on Post 16 Basic Skills – Mathematics, 2018-.
· Adviser to DfE on Teacher Subject Specialism Training courses for secondary mathematics and Core Maths, 2016-.
· Adviser to DfE on GCSE and iGCSE, 2019-.
· Adviser to DfE on Core Maths, 2014-.
· Member of Maths4Girls National Steering Committee, part of founders4schools, 2020-
· Invited representative at the Maths4Girls – part of founders4schools - event at the House of Lords, February 2020.
· Independent Expert Mathematics adviser to DfE on Post 16 Centres for Excellence, 2018-9.
· Appointed to the Joint LMS- IMA Christopher Zeeman Medal Award Nominating Committee, 2017-8.
· Appointed to the IMA Gold Medal Award Nominating Committee, 2022-3.
· Member, IMA Working Group on Modelling and Algorithms, 2021-.
· Expert Advisory Panel, Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA), NI, 2018-.
· Expert Advisory Panel, Qualification Wales, on New Curriculum and Qualifications for Wales: Areas of Learning and Experience (AoLE) Reforms in Mathematics and Numeracy, 2021-.
· Overarching Reviewer for Ofqual for the Accreditation of reformed AS/A levels in Mathematics and Further Mathematics, 2016 -.
· Adviser on Nuffield Project ‘The early take-up of Core Mathematics: successes and challenges’, 2020.
· Member, Royal Society Mathematical Futures International Stakeholder Group on Mathematics Education Policy in the future - Landscaping Mathematics Education Policy, 2021.
· Adviser to The Royal Society’s Mathematical Futures Programme, 2020-2022.
· Adviser on Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) Report on: Problem solving in mathematics - realising the vision through better assessment, 2016.
· Adviser on NCETM/Maths Hubs Research Report: The Relationship between the NCETM and HEIs, 2018.
· Review and Endorsement for part-DfE-funded MEI/Integral HEI Support Packages, 2020-.
· Review and Endorsement for part-DfE-funded Free online course support for transition to university study,, 2021-.
· External Expert Reviewer for Ofqual on A level Mathematics series 2019.
· External Expert Assessor for Ofqual on AS/A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics series 2018 & 2019.
· Chair, Ofqual External Review Panel on Performance Standards, AS/A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, 2019-.
· Member, Ofqual External HE Review Panel on the Qualitative Review of candidates work 2019 for 2022 grade boundaries, 2021.
· External Expert Reviewer to Cambridge Assessment on A level Mathematics series 2019.
· Working with, and providing input to Her Majesty’s Treasury (HMT)/Department for Education (DfE) Professor Sir Adrian Smith Post 16 Review Team, including School and College Case Studies and Workshops led by Adrian Smith, 2016 - 7.
· Press release in: £16 million drive to boost maths skills for post Brexit Britain - Sector Response,, 2017.
· Press release in: Advanced Maths Premium can open more doors for young people - Sector Response,, 2018.
· Contributed to: Universities should do more to signal the value of maths in ResearchFortnight and ResearchProfessional,, 2017.
· Working with Nuffiield Foundation and Q Step Centres on mathematical and quantitative skills, 2015-.
· Working with the CBI Education on mathematical and quantitative skills, 2016 -.
· Member of Department for Education (DfE) Stakeholder Group on ITT 2018 -.
· Member of joint Teacher Subject Specialist Training (TSST)/National College Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)/Department for Education (DfE)/National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM) Stakeholder Group on TSST 2016 -.
· Member of Joint Mathematical Council (JMC)/Teacher Subject Specialist Training (TSST)/National College Teaching and Leadership (NCTL)/Department for Education (DfE) Group on Initial Teacher Education (ITE), Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and Teacher Supply 2016 -.
· Member (and Chair 2018 -) of DfE Expert Panel responsible for reviewing and providing advice and guidance to the Minister on new qualification material for Core Maths provision and whether these satisfy the Technical Guidance – this ‘accreditation’ is required for adherence to the condition of funding, the level 3 mathematics participation and performance measures, and eligibility criteria for the Advanced Maths Premium, 2014 -.
· Appointed to the A Level Content Advisory Board (ALCAB) for Mathematics and Further Mathematics – a Russell Group-led subject panel of 11 senior academics (chosen predominantly from Russell Group Universities). Member of sub-group of ALCAB on mechanics. The Secretary of State for Education, Michael Gove, has devolved to this board the task of determining the core content requirements considered desirable in A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics for adequate preparation for entry to leading universities. 2013 – 2015.
· Publication of a Briefing Paper e.1 on Core Maths on behalf of DfE and BIS. This was part of a joint Ministerial communication to universities from Jo Johnson, Minister of State for Universities and Science (BIS) and Nick Gibb, Minister of State for Schools (DfE), which was accompanied by this Briefing Paper, and an invitation from BIS to university Vice-Chancellors and their senior management teams to be briefed (by me) on the relevance of Core Maths to higher education. Reference to this was made in the report of the review of Post 16 Mathematics 2016-7 conducted by Professor Sir Adrian Smith, FRS, on behalf of DfE/HMT:
o The Russell Group’s ‘Informed Choices’ – the Russell Group of 24 leading UK universities’ guide to making decisions about post-16 education – has publically endorsed the development; additionally, at the time of drafting this report, a total of 43 universities had shown their individual support for Core Maths, including 20 Russell Group universities and 23 others
and in the 2017 White Paper on the UK’s Industrial Strategy: Building a Britain for the Future:
o These have been endorsed by large number of universities, including many in the Russell Group.
· Appointed External Expert Advisor to the Office for Qualifications and Regulation (Ofqual), 2015 -.
· Working with, and providing input to the Royal Society on the: Mathematical Futures Her Majesty’s Treasury (HMT)/Department for Education (DfE) Professor Sir Adrian Smith Post 16 Review Team, including School and College Case Studies and Workshops led by Adrian Smith, 2016 - 7.
· Appointed a reader (assessor) for The Queen's Anniversary Prizes for Higher and Further Education, 2016-.
· External Advisory Board (and Reviewer) for the Nuffield Foundation, 2016 -.
· External Advisory Board for the Association of Colleges Outstanding Teaching, Learning and Assessment Programme, 2017 -.
· Member, National External Panel advising and reviewing Cambridge Mathematics. (Cambridge Mathematics is a collaborative enterprise comprising four University partners - Cambridge Assessment, Cambridge University Press, the Faculty of Mathematics and the Faculty of Education committed to championing and securing a world class mathematics education for all students from 3 – 19 years old, .2018-.
· External expert advising and reviewing mathematics provision as part of the DfE’s Opportunity Area initiative to address Social Mobility across England, 2018-.
· Member Advisory Board for the 2018 British Congress on Mathematics Education, held every four years, 2015-18.
· Member of joint Royal Society/ACME Committee, 2015-18.
· Member of joint DfE/BIS STEM Ministerial Group, 2015-18.
· Member of joint Royal Society/Ofsted/Ofqual/Awarding Organisations/NCETM Committee on Monitoring Qualification Reforms 2017-.
· Member National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM) Advisory Board, 2015-2018.
· Member Wessex Sixth Form Colleges Curriculum Support Group, 2018-.
· Member Advanced Maths Support Programme Group for Berkshire, 2018 -.
· Member Advanced Maths Support Programme Group for Oxfordshire, 2018-.
· Invited representative at the Parliamentary Links Day - Science and the Industrial Strategy at the House of Commons and the House of Lords, June 2018.
· Invited to Ofqual A level Mathematics evaluation workshop January 2020.
· Invited representative at the Royal Society’s Business Forum : the role of post-16 education in ensuring workplace resilience, February 2019.
· Invited representative at the Royal Society’s roundtable on ‘Recent key changes impacting teaching and maths education: exploring what the new Ofsted inspection framework means for maths education; and how the Department for Education’s new early career framework and teacher retention strategy will support maths teachers’, February 2019.
· Invited representative at the Royal Society’s roundtable on ‘Developing mathematics education within a broad, balanced and connected curriculum.’, June 2019.
· Invited representative at the Royal Society’s roundtable on ‘Retaking GCSE Mathematics: a review of policy and practice and some possible futures.’, April 2019
· UK Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO) roundtable on ‘Maths and Language Analysis’, March 2020.
· Invited representative at the Queen’s Anniversary Prizes for Higher and Further Education Event, St James’s Palace, November 2017 & 2019.
· Invited representative at the National Association for School-Based Teacher Training, House of Commons, October 2017.
· Invited representative at the House of Lords/Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI) Event on ‘Mathematics and its Applications’, March 2017.
· Invited representative at the House of Commons/Council for Mathematical Sciences (CMS – IMA/LMS/RSS) on ‘Post 16 Mathematics and Royal Society Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education, February 2017.
· Invited representative at the Parliamentary Links Day - Science After the Referendum: What Next? at the House of Commons and the House of Lords, June 2016.
· Invited representative at the House of Commons/Council for Mathematical Sciences (CMS – IMA/LMS/RSS) on ‘Mathematical Sciences Driving the UK Economy’, January 2016.
· Invited representative at the launch of: Positive Prospects: Careers for social science graduates and why number and data skills matter, Campaign for Social Science, Academy for Social Sciences, June 2018.
· Invited by Neil Carmichael MP, Chair, House of Commons Education Select Committee, to provide oral and written evidence to the Commission on Sustainable Learning for Life, Work and a Changing Economy, June-September 2018.
· Invited representative at the House of Lords/Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI) Event on ‘Mathematics and its Applications’, November 2015.
· Invited representative at the House of Commons/London Mathematical Society (LMS) Event on ‘Advancing Women in Mathematics’, February 2013.
· University representative at a private meeting with the Secretary of State for Education, the Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP, March 2016.
· Invited representative at the British Academy and Report Launch and Roundtable: Higher level skills vs. consumer choice in Higher Education – Measuring up report, March 2016.
· Member of Royal Society appointment panel for the membership of the Advisory Committee of Mathematics Education (ACME), 2015-7.
· Appointed to the London Mathematical Society (LMS) International Affairs Committee, 2015-.
· Appointed to the DfE Standards & Testing Agency - Task Review Group responsible for developing and reviewing the Skills Tests for newly qualified teachers (NQTs), PGCE and School Direct trainees, and this applying to teach. 2015 -.
· Appointed to the HE Expert Panel of the Assessment and Qualification Alliance. 2015.
· Appointed as the sole mathematics representative as an external expert adviser to the Advisory Board for the Government’s National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) Future Teaching Scholars Programme, within the Department of Education (DfE), part of a 9 year national programme to increase the supply of secondary mathematics and physics teachers, 2015-.
· Appointed to the A Level Mathematics Advisory Board (ALMAB) – a subject panel of 10 senior academics, with Council of Mathematical Sciences (CMS, comprising the LMS, IMA and RSS) and Joint Mathematical Council (JMC) support, advising the DfE and Ofqual on new A-levels in Mathematics and Further Mathematics for first teaching in 2017. I have been working particularly with Ofqual, the Chair of the LMS Education Committee, the Chair of the IMA’s HEdSA Committee, the Honorary Secretary of the JMC, and ACME (The Royal Society’s Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education), on Problem Solving, Proof and Reasoning, and Mathematical Modelling. 2015 - 2017.
· Appointed an Educational Adviser and Consultant to the national Core Mathematics Support Programme (CMSP) for the DfE and managed and delivered by the Centre for British Teachers (CfBT), providing advice on teaching, managing, communication and engagement, and the wider HE sector; speaking at relevant national education events in support of or on behalf of CMSP; providing critical review of both CMSP and wider Core Maths landscape; providing general advice and guidance in relation to Mathematics Education. Core Maths is intended to address the Government’s intention that, by 2020, the overwhelming majority of 16 to 19 year-olds will study mathematics. 2014 -.
· Author of publications a.3 on ‘University Teaching - recognition and reward’, and a.16 on ‘Standards of University teaching’. This has been fed into the University of Reading’s Working Group on the review of Peer Review of Teaching at their request. It has been fed into the HEA’s review of the UKPSF at their request. 2014.
· Expert witness (and papers a.3 and a.16 widely cited ) on University Teaching and Learning for the Social Market Foundation publication: ‘Solving the Conundrum – teaching and learning at British universities’ by Professor Sir Anthony Seldon, in response to the Government’s Green Paper (BIS): ‘Higher education: teaching excellence, social mobility and student choice’, and the proposed Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), 2016.
· Member of British Academy group of high-level representatives from the natural and social sciences and humanities communities on: ‘Quantitative skills capacity at the post 16 school and university levels’, 2016.
· Sole external member of Periodic Review Team for the School of Mathematics, Physics and Statistics, University of Newcastle, 2019.
· External Assessor for a Chair in Mathematics at the University of Leicester, 2015.
· External Independent Assessor and Interview Panel member for a Chair in Mathematics at Imperial College, 2015.
· External member of Periodic Review Team for the School of Mathematics, University of Kent, 2017.
· Sole external member of Periodic Review Team for the School of Mathematics, Cardiff University, 2014-15.
· Member of Ofqual’s A level Group of experts developing national Statutory Conditions and Guidance for reformed A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics for first teaching 2017, 2015-6.
· Member of Ofqual’s A level Mathematics Working Group of experts to provide a source of evidence to support Ofqual in providing guidance on A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, including joint authorship of the report of this group for publication by Ofqual, 2015-6.
· Member of the national Teaching Core Maths Advisory Board 2015 -7.
· Member of the national Managing Core Maths Advisory Board 2015 -7.
· Member of national Strategic Board, Core Maths Support Programme 2016 -7.
· Vice-chair of the national Senior Advisory Board on Promoting Core Maths comprising senior figures in education, careers, business and industry, as part of the CMSP for the DfE, responsible for promoting Core Maths nationally to stakeholders, including employers, businesses, industry, secondary, further and higher education 2014 -7.
· Member of National Maths Hubs Forum – 35 Maths Hubs in the DfE/NCETM National initiative: Maths Hub Programme, 2016-2020.
· Member, National Maths Hubs Strategic Board Chairs, 2020-.
· Member, Working Group, National Maths Hubs Strategic Board Chairs, 2020-.
· Strategic Board member London Thames Maths Hub, 2017-.
· Member of the OCR Mathematics Consultative Forum, 2017-.
· Strategic Board member (and Chair) Berks, Bucks & Oxon Maths Hub, 2014-.
· Strategic Board member (and Chair) Mobiüs Maths Hub, 2020-.
· Strategic Board member Solent Maths Hub, 2017-.
· Strategic Board member Surrey Plus Maths Hub, 2016-.
· Strategic Board member NW1 Maths Hub, 2016-8.
· Strategic Board member Solent Maths Hub, 2017-.
· Strategic Board member London Thames Maths Hub, 2017-.
· External Examiner, Undergraduate Programmes, London School of Economics (LSE), 2017-.
· External Examiner, Undergraduate Programmes, University of Portsmouth, 2021-.
· External Examiner, St Andrew’s University, 2021-.
· External Examiner, Undergraduate Programmes, Loughborough University, 2016-2020.
· External Examiner, Undergraduate Programmes, Brunel University, 2012-6.
· University representative at the OCR/MEI National Launch of the Core Maths qualifications: Quantitative Reasoning & Quantitative Problem Solving, 2014.
· One of ~20 university, school and employer advisors to the AQA Examination Board on ‘The introduction of a new Core Mathematics qualification for 16-18’, This involved providing expert advice and feedback to the team developing the new Core Mathematics 16-19 qualification for introduction in 2014.
· Sole External Subject Specialist Adviser (invited) for an Academic Audit (Stage 3) of the Mathematics and Statistics School at Swansea University, November 2012 - February 2013.
· One of a team of ~20 university-sector ‘Correspondents’ with the Department of Pure Mathematics and Statistics, University of Cambridge, for their Department for Education funded initiative: Maths Education Programme, which aims to provide innovative, rich and stimulating materials to help support and inspire teachers and students of advanced post-16 mathematics. This will involve providing expert advice and feedback to the team developing the new post-16 qualifications.
· Sole External Assessor for Periodic Review and Major Modification of the Mathematics Programmes at Brunel 2018-19.
· Sole External Assessor for Periodic Review of the Mathematics Programmes at Liverpool Hope, 2021.
· Sole External Assessor for new Masters Programme at Plymouth University, 2019.
· Sole External Assessor for new Undergraduate Programme at the University of Leicester, 2020.
· External Reviewer of Impact Case Studies for REF, 2019.
· Assessor & interviewer for DfE-funded IMA Mathematics Teacher Training Scholarships, 2020-.
· One of ~20 university, school and employer advisors to the AQA Examination Board on A level reform, 2012-This involves providing expert advice and feedback to the team developing the new A level specifications in mathematics, further mathematics and statistics.
· One of ~20 university-sector advisors to the Edexcel Examination Board on A level reform, 2012-. This involves providing expert advice and feedback to the team developing the new A level specifications in mathematics, further mathematics and statistics.
· The School (SMPS) Representative at a meeting between the University and representatives of Ofqual and DfE on A level reform, 2012.
· Member of the Court of the University of Surrey, 2011-.
· Member of the Higher Education Periodic Review and Programme Approval Team, IMA (Institute of Mathematics and its Applications), 2001-. In this role I review Programme Specifications and other documentation from university Mathematics Departments undergoing Periodic Review to approve, or otherwise, accreditation on behalf of the IMA as all Periodic Reviews must be approved by a Chartered Mathematician from the IMA, reviewing most recently in 2022, 2021(x2), 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 (x5); 2015; 2013; and 2010 the submission from the Mathematics Departments at City, University of London, Universities of Dundee, Liverpool Hope, Nottingham, Cardiff, Kent, Leicester, Newcastle, West England, De Montfort; York; and Bristol, respectively.
· Professorial member of the Senate Standing Committee on Examination Results (SSCER), 2015-19.
· Committee membership: I have served on Senate and the University Court as an elected representative, 1994-2019, and the University Court for the three preceding years 1991-1994. I have also served on many committees, including seven Boards of Studies, most as Chair and Secretary (57 years’ worth), Departmental Course Committee as Chair and Secretary (6 years), School Teaching and Learning Committee (4 years), IFP Advisory Board (3 years), Faculty Board for Teaching and Learning (1 year), Committee of Course Advisors (3 years), Staff-Student Committees (22 years), Departmental Teaching and Learning Group (5 years), Course Evaluation Committee (3 years), Wessex Hall Committee (5 years) and countless ad hoc Departmental and Faculty working groups, 1988-.
· Chair, External Scrutiny Group, IT Degree, 2003.
· Representative for the visits of: HEA Accreditation Team, 2002; QAA Institutional Audit, 2004; US Counsellors, 2005.
· Faculty Monitoring Groups for four subject areas (engineering, meteorology, physics, psychology), 2000-2004.
· Subject Specialist Reviewer (formerly Teaching Quality Assessor) in Mathematics, Statistics and Operational Research, for the QAA (Quality Assurance Agency), 1997-2000.
(f) Contribution to the development of teaching and learning within the University and nationally/internationally
· Publications in national and international journals on teaching and learning, mathematics and science education, with 400+ publications in these areas. These are aimed at teachers and university lecturers nationally and internationally. Impact is primarily through use in the classroom and this is not necessarily reflected in citations. For example, my work on proofs and conjectures in prime number theory attracted considerable interest and request for the associated resources following publication of a.56 and presentation at a STEMNET meeting of mathematics and science teachers.
· Presentations at conferences on teaching and learning (see items a.22, c.1-4 and e.1-7, in Section B).
· University publications on teaching and learning:
o Maths and Stats takes UROP a stage further (with K L Ayres and C J Smith), Teaching Matters, 26, 10-11, 2011.
o ‘Diversifying assessment in Mathematics at Reading’: a case study in ‘Introduction to Assessment for Learning’, University publication on teaching and learning, 2005.
o Improving Assessment in Mathematics. (Teaching and Learning Development Report.), 2003.
· The University representative at the AQA Core Mathematics Stakeholder Conference, London, 2014, advising on HE requirements.
· Representative at the meeting with HMC & GSA to showcase the University of Reading, 2014.
· The University representative at the AQA Mathematics A-level Stakeholder Conference, London, 2012, advising on A level reform.
· Presentations to external visitors from Russia on Innovative methods in Teaching and Learning, 2006 and 2007.
· One of ~10 university-sector representatives at the Department for Education (DfE) Conference on ‘Formula for Success: Supporting the Delivery of Science Technology and Mathematics in Schools’, advising on establishing STEM opportunities in schools, 2004.
· One of ~20 university-sector representatives on the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) Conference on Continuing Professional Development for Mathematics Teachers, advising on the forming and development of the National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM), 2003.
3. Teaching Load
In each of 2011-16,2017-2019 I supervised three Part 3 project students, one Part 4 project student in 2018/9, and in 2010-19 I delivered the following lectures and tutorials:
· MA1GEO, Geometry (10 credits, 34 lectures, 40 students in 2010/11, 57 students in 2011/12, 50 students in 2012/13, 70 students in 2013/4, 32 students in 2014/5);
· MA3NIO, Analysis of Numerical Techniques for Integration and Ordinary Differential Equations (10 credits, 22 lectures, 25 students in 2010/11, 30 students in 2011/12);
· MA3NA2, Numerical Analysis (10 credits, 22 lectures, 50 students in 2012/13, 73 students in 2013/4);
· MA3CV/MA4CV, Calculus of Variations (10 credits, 22 lectures, 102 students in 2015/16, 50 students plus PhD students in 2017/18, 79 students plus PhD students in 2018/9);
· MA3AM/MA4AM Asymptotic Methods (20 credits, 44 lectures, 8 undergraduate students, plus PhD students, in 2015/6, 63 students plus PhD students in 2017/18, 73 students plus PhD students in 2018/9);
· MA4AM2 Asymptotic Methods 2 (10 credits, 22 lectures, 6 undergraduate students, plus PhD students, in each of 2010/11 and 2011/12, 8 undergraduates, plus PhD students in 2012/13, 12 undergraduate students, plus PhD students in 2013/4);
· Supervising two students on Teaching and Learning Placements in each of the summer vacations 2011 and 2012, developing videocasts for MA1GEO as an additional resource to support students.
· MA1CAL/Personal tutorials (10 in each of the Autumn and Spring Terms of each year, 8 students).
The Geometry course was particularly challenging because of our blind student. This included 100+ pages of detailed notes written in LaTeX, 200+ Exercises with worked solutions written in LaTeX, 200+ ‘dynamic’ figures constructed using Geogebra, and made available in a ‘raised’ format on rubber for this student and as interactive programs for all students. In 2013/4 this module was revised significantly to enhance students’ learning even further by the development of ‘Beamer’ presentation files for notes and problems, with links to ‘vidcasts’ and ‘dynamic’ figure in Geogebra.
In the previous four years, 2006-2010, I gave over 600 lectures, representing six 10 credit courses in each year. All of these modules have been written from scratch, with exercises and solutions, for modules ranging from Part 1 to Masters level (all 10 credits): Calculus, Matrices and Vectors, Numerical Analysis, Calculus of Variations, Asymptotic Methods, Numerical Solution of Differential Equations and Dynamics. I have also developed materials and delivered courses on Maple, and Matlab, which were used as self-study materials for my Part 1 courses during this time, and I have delivered between 20-40 tutorials in each year. Three of these modules, representing 40% of the lectures delivered, were compulsory with large classes (100-150 students) and 30% had class sizes between 30 and 80.
In total, in the last 30+ years, I have given over 6000 lectures across 19 different modules. For each of the modules the lectures, exercises and solutions have been written from scratch when first delivered. The modules range from Foundation to Masters level (all 10 credits except one which is 20 credits): Calculus, Matrices and Vectors, Ordinary Differential Equations, Linear Algebra for Engineers, Numerical Analysis, Calculus of Variations, Asymptotic Methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Numerical Solution of Differential Equations, Geometry, Mathematics for Construction Management, Mathematical Methods, Communicating Mathematics, Engineering Mathematics, Dynamics, Applied Mathematics. I have also developed materials and delivered courses on Maple, Mathematica and Matlab, and have delivered countless tutorials, ranging from 20 to 60 per year. Seven of these modules (in bold, and representing one quarter of the lectures delivered) were compulsory with large classes (80-150 students); less than one tenth of the remaining ones were small classes (less than 30 students). Five of these modules (in italics) were proposed, designed and delivered by me for students on non-mathematics programmes as service/support courses.
(a) Outreach.
I have been instrumental in efforts on outreach, and for some time the only contributor in the Department, as the need to address the widening participation agenda and offer more outreach opportunities increased, in line with the expectations of the funding council. In 2004 I therefore proposed the introduction of the role of Director of Outreach, and have taken on that role since then, with a view to increasing our activity and impact in this area. Since becoming HoD in 2010 I have had the platform to expand activities substantially. We now have a programme which is planned to reach out to 500+ school students each year. The combination of Student Tutoring, the partnership with a local school and the STEMath Ambassador Scheme provides students interested in teaching with a platform and experience for applying to teacher training courses. The components of the outreach programme include:
· STEMath Ambassador Project – recruitment, training and management of a team of three to five student Mathematics Outreach Ambassadors in the Department who deliver outreach sessions in schools, and act as STEMNET student ambassadors, 2012-.
· I have formed a partnership with the Head of Mathematics at the John Madejski Academy (JMA) in Reading to place mentors from the Department into JMA to act as tutors for their students, encouraging them to aim high as well as helping them improve their maths skills, 2012-15. In 2014-5 a total of 13 mentors contributed.
· Member of National Maths Hubs Forum – 35 Maths Hubs in the DfE/NCETM National initiative: Maths Hub Programme, 2016-.
· Strategic Board member: Berks, Bucks & Oxon Maths Hub (Chair) 2015-; Surrey Plus Maths Hub 2016-, NW1 Maths Hub, 2016-8; Solent Maths Hub, 2017-; London Thames Maths Hub, 2017-.
· Departmental Contact for Teach First – promoting and supporting the University initiative on this, 2014-.
· Departmental Contact for students wishing to apply for PGCE or School Direct Initial Teacher training, 2010 -.
· The Department is jointly hosting a twice-yearly CPD session on Saturdays for around 30-50 school teachers that I help organise in conjunction with the Mathematical Association/Association of Teachers of Mathematics, 2012-.
· Introduction (in partnership with Student Recruitment and Outreach (SRO)) of a two-day (non-residential) Maths Summer School for around 20-30 school students, chosen by SRO, 2013 -.
· Departmental representative at the Aspire2 Workshop held jointly between the University of Reading and Whitley Excellence Cluster Schools, 2014 -.
· Member of the selection and interview panel for the Faculty of Science Outreach Officer, University of Reading, 2014.
· Introduction and development (in partnership with Student Recruitment and Outreach) of a yearly ‘Maths Fun Day’ for 80-100 year 12 students from within a 100 mile radius, 2010-.
· STEM Ambassador – activities for local schools, including careers events, CPD for teachers, 2010-. I have strong links specifically with Maiden Erlegh School where each year I advise pupils and parents on the benefits of continuing with mathematics post-16 and related careers and higher education advice.
· Founding Member and Management Team Member, South East Region Further Mathematics Support Programme (FMSP, formerly Further Mathematics Network Centre) - a Government-funded initiative to support schools and colleges, and their students, in the delivery of A level mathematics and further mathematics. Hosting and co-organising Maths Revision Days three times a year in the Department, and contributing subject specialist revision sessions throughout this period, for the South East Region FMSP, 2005-. This scheme brings in around 100 students and around 5 teachers each year into the Department and includes direct contact with a range of schools in the South East.
· Project In Mathematics Enrichment (PRIME), developing resources, masterclases, outreach sessions, careers information, including: ‘Internet Transactions–how secure are they?’, ‘Maths – just sum fun – Fibonacci numbers’, ‘Primes and Proof’, ‘Maths – 100% proof?‘, ‘Codes and Code Breaking’, ‘I’m a Transcendental – get me out of here’, ‘Careers involving maths -why you should take it’, 2004-. The resources are aimed at schools, and these materials have been made available through the STEMNET Ambassador Network, journal publications and SRO.
· Students in Schools/Student Tutoring within Communications/Student Recruitment and Outreach. I have been a Steering Group member and alternate chair since 2001, and promote and support volunteers participating in this scheme in the Department, 2001-. Around 200 students across the university each year complete 10-week placements, with around 10-20 students each year from the Department who participate in the scheme. In 2011-12 22 students participated in the scheme in the Department, representing nearly 50% of all students from the Science Faculty in the scheme.
· Represented the University at the ‘Parents and Carers’ evening at the Berkshire Higher Education Conference, 2007 and 2010-2012.
In addition, I have contributed previously to outreach through:
· Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclasses for Young People, Berkshire, on ‘Torches, Teacups and Satellite TV’, 1991, 1992, 1993, 2005, 2006.
· Talks on University Open Days, 1987-, including in 2005 the creation of an imaginative mathematics talk on ‘Internet Transactions – how secure are they?’, delivered by myself and others, 2005-2010.
· ‘Mathematics at University’, talks at the Connexions Berkshire Higher Education Fair, 2005-2008.
· ‘Codes and Internet Security’, Maths Masterclass for HEFCE Summer School, Reading, 2005-2007.
· Working jointly with the Coordinator for the Student Associate Scheme, Institute of Education, to recruit 100+ STEM students in the University to undertake work placements schools for two weeks in June each year, 2004-2011.
· Compact Scheme – termly enrichment sessions with local school children as part of the University’s outreach strategy, 1995-2001.
· ‘University Admissions’, HEFCE Summer School, 2001.
· Maths and Careers Talks as part of the University’s Liaison Scheme for Schools and Colleges, 1990-2000.
· Centenary Mathematics Lecture, ‘Cricket, Comets and Cooling Towers’, as part of the University’s Celebration of 100 years of higher education in Reading, 1992.
· Sessions on ‘Transition from School to University’ and ‘Admissions’ as part of the University of Reading Teachers’ Conference, 1987.
(b) Administration/Leadership/Management roles and activities.
· I was Head of Department from August 2010 to July 2015, with particular responsibility for Academic Staff and Teaching, acting as line manager for ~40 academic staff. Major areas of development during this time include: staff management, employability, student recruitment, student engagement and programme enhancement.
Prior to appointment as Head of Department in 2010 I have held other significant leadership and management roles (some of which I continue with) including:
· Deputy Head of Department, responsible for a range of duties within the Department, including teaching, learning and assessment, infrastructure, administration, and deputising for the Head of Department when required.
· International Foundation Programme (IFP) Coordinator, 1986 - , (and during 2005-2008 as Chair IFP BoS and Programme Examiners, and member of Advisory Board), responsible for two 40 credit modules in the Department (three since 2010), quality assurance, member of BoS, employment of sessional staff, liaison with IFP, etc, and this now includes modules delivered in University of Reading Malaysia, where I am also Module Convenor, 2015-. In the last three years alone these modules have brought in in excess of 150K in overheads. I also took over the coordinator’s role for the Physics IFP module when Physics closed in 2010, and continue with this role.
· Chair and Chief Internal Examiner, Programme Examiners (undergraduate), 2007-2011.
· Internal Examiner, undergraduate programmes, 2001-.
· Applied Mathematics Exam Scrutineer, 2015-.
· A-level/part 1 transition coordinator 2018 -.
· Internal Examiner, postgraduate programmes, 2000-2001 and 2007-2010.
· Department Teaching and Learning Plans, 2003-2006.
· Preparation of documentation and Self-Evaluation Document for Periodic Review, 2003.
· Preparation of documentation and Self-Assessment document (joint) for QAA Subject Review, 2000.
Further details of some initiatives undertaken as part of the other administration, leadership and management roles I have held (other than HoD and DHoD) can be found in section C. The relevant roles are:
· School Senior Tutor, 2007-2009.
· Departmental Senior Tutor (no School role then), 2004-2007.
· Director of Outreach 2004-.
· Director of Undergraduate Studies, Director of Teaching and Learning, Programme Director and Advisor for ten programmes, 2001-2004 and 2006.
· Undergraduate Admissions for ten undergraduate programmes, 1995-2001 and 2004.
· Staff-Student Course Evaluation Organiser and Chair of Committee, 1998-2001.
· Departmental Examinations Officer, 1990-1996.
· Visit and Open Day Coordinator (joint) for ten undergraduate programmes, 1988-1994.
· Member of Staff-Student Committees 1984-2003 and 2010-.
· UCAS talks and interviews on Visit Days, 1985-.
(c) Awards in recognition of exceptional contributions to the University.
· Nominated for a Student Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning Support, 2014.
· University Award recognising ‘exceptional contributions to the department as Head of Department’, 2012.
· University Award from Academic and Research Award Committee – contribution point, 2009.
· University Award recognising ‘outstanding contributions to UCAS days and student recruitment’, 2008.
· University Award recognising ‘contribution to the excellent work of the Mathematics Department’s Admissions Team, particularly in respect of your role as visit day speaker, presenting a highly successful mathematical talk to applicants’, 2007.
· Nominated for a Student Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning Support, 2007.
· University Award for Outstanding Contributions to Teaching and Learning Support, 2006.
· University Award recognising ‘overall contribution to the Department and particularly in respect of the role as Director of Teaching and Learning’, 2004.
· University Award recognising ‘overall contribution to the Department, and particularly willingness to take on additional administrative responsibilities’, 2002.