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Braitenberg Robot

Define its LL LR RL RR LM and RM neurons so the Braitenberg robot moves depending on its sensors LS and RS. Sensors are 1 if a light is detected and 0 otherwise. Neurons should be integers. Left and Right speeds are calculated by

Left: LS * LL + RS * LR + LM

Right: RS * RR + LS * RL + RM

Click in the arena to reposition the robot; you can put it back in its original position; and give it wider beams.

You can also select a line to follow, then the sensors indicate if they can detect the line.

Keyboard controls

Press D to define neuron values; S to start/stop; P to put back in start position; W to toggle Reverse Left Motor; B to toggle Wider Beam; L toggles Line mode.

I, J, K, M move the robot up, left, right, down the screen.

Exercise Tasks

First define the neurons such that the robot moves forward when it sees nothing, but slows down and turns towards a light it sees (rather like a passive seeker).

See what happens when you have narrow and wide beams.

Next define the neurons so that the robot moves forward when it sees nothing, but speeds up and turns towards a light it sees (more like an active seeker).

Then define the neurons so that the robot moves forward when it sees nothing, but turns away from a light it sees (more like an active phobe).

Finally, select the Line to Follow option and get the vehicle to follow it.



Reverse Left Motor

Wider Beams

Have Line to Follow