Complex Numbers

This page shows various aspects of complex numbers, and how they are processed. They involve i, √-1.

They can be expressed in Catersian form as x + i y, where x is the 'real' part and y the 'imaginary' part.

Alternatively the polar form can be used as r ∠ a being a size r and an angle a.

Random pairs of complex numbers are generated, and you can see them represented in both forms, and shown on the Argand plane. The x axis is for 'real' parts and the y for 'imaginary' parts. The distance from the origin is r and the angle a is from the x axis.

You can then specify add, subtract, multiply and divide, and see the results. Whether the operation is done in Cartesion or Polar form is shown.

See On Complex Fractal for an application in both forms.
